Heartache RPG

Scene Log

Here you can view a log of scenes in Heartache, searchable by character and tags.

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Ch07: After a Storm Combs a Calm (Odette & Koa)

2024-11-28 - Frosty's Frozen Flights - Completed

Struggling with the aftermath of the expedition into Whisperwind Comb and his secret being revealed, Koa tries to drown his sorrows (in ice cream). He runs into a familiar face, and he and Odette find they relate on far more than they realize.

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Logged by: Tetra

Characters: Odette, Koa

Tags: Affinity, Friendship, Bark & Bite, Social

Word count: 8.3k

Ch07: Murder is a Spectrum (Andre & Odette)

2024-11-24 - Civic Courtyard - Completed

Still required to tell more people about his murders, Andre tells Odette, who he finds out has her own kill count.

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Logged by: canis

Characters: Odette, Andre

Tags: Social

Word count: 5.2k

Ch07: Christianity and Pokemorphs Are Real! [Odette & Dave]

2024-11-23 - Frontier Town Outskirts - Completed

Dave and Odette let off some steam at the outskirts together and discuss religion, cults, fatherhood, and the various bullshit going on in their respective worlds.

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Logged by: Dragonfree

Characters: Odette, Dave

Tags: Social

Word count: 8.6k

Ch07: Confession (Andre & Dave)

2024-11-14 - Traveller's Haus - Guest Rooms - Completed

After Ridley demands Andre tell other people about his murders, he approaches Dave at the Haus to tell him his secret.

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Logged by: Dragonfree

Characters: Dave, Andre

Tags: Social

Word count: 4.2k

Ch07: House and Home (Brisa and Gladion)

2024-11-07 - The Wanderin' Zera - Completed

Gladion talks with Brisa in the Wandering Zera to resolve the little matter of the two chimeras holded up in her cabin. The two end up discussing the pain of regret and missed chances.

Sonora stops by and there's a brief reunion...

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Logged by: Tetra

Characters: Gladion

Tags: Brisa, Sonora, Plot

Word count: 5.6k

Ch06: Finale ~ Styx and Thrones

2024-10-29 - Lethe - Completed

Powehi, guardian of the Forlasan Voidlands, encounters the Usurper of Shadow overextending his domain. But a clash between two dark matters could risk tearing open the Voidlands, so he instead vows to turn the Wayfarers against the hydra würm.

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Logged by: Chibi

Characters: None

Tags: Alexander, Dark Matter, Shadows, Powehi, Plot

Word count: 1.2k

Ch06: Respite (Nova & Mhynt)

2024-10-20 - Whisper Wind Comb - Completed

Mhynt and Nova reunite after learning each other's darkest secrets.

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Logged by: Ambyssin

Characters: Mhynt, Nova

Tags: Plot

Word count: 2.6k

Ch06: Yet Darker (Nova & Mhynt)

2024-10-18 - Whisper Wind Comb - Completed

After making it through one of Whisperwind's floors, the dungeon flips the script. Mhynt lives out of one of Nova's memories.

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Logged by: Ambyssin

Characters: Mhynt, Nova

Tags: Plot

Word count: 4.4k

Ch06: Finale ~ At World's End (Archie & Koa)

2024-10-13 - Whisper-wind Comb - Completed

The Whisperwind Comb draws Koa and Archie ever deeper and further apart. The two find themselves lost in each others pasts, forced to come to terms with who they were and what they experienced.

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Logged by: Tetra

Characters: Archie, Koa

Tags: Affinity gain, Bluex2

Word count: 6.9k

Ch06: Darker (Nova & Mhynt)

2024-10-13 - Whisper Wind Comb - Completed

Within Whisperwind Comb, Mhynt's memories are brought to life for Nova to live through.

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Logged by: Ambyssin

Characters: Mhynt, Nova

Tags: Plot

Word count: 3.1k