Heartache RPG

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Here you can view a log of scenes in Heartache, searchable by character and tags.

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Ch04: Like Chimeras (Gladion and Nova)

2024-02-19 - Industrial Park - Completed

Nova catches up with Gladion to see if he might've learned anything about their species on Forlas that could help them use the RKS System.

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Logged by: Ambyssin

Characters: Gladion, Nova

Tags: Social

Word count: 2.0k

Ch04: Anger (Mis)Management [Koa&Odette]

2024-02-08 - Industrial Park - Completed

Frustrated after the jailbreak and loss of Drapion and the training session gone wrong, Koa finds himself trying to avoid his anger by training. Odette stumbles upon him, and she ends up offering him some advice and coaching in dealing with anger. The two end up bonding over shared trauma and mutual frustration.

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Logged by: Tetra

Characters: Odette, Koa

Tags: Social, Kodette, Bark & Bite

Word count: 5.6k

Ch04: Specters of an Argument [Odette and Kimiko]

2024-01-23 - Industrial Park - Completed

Kimiko and Odette have a calm and respectful discussion about their respective world's ghosts! :) :) :)

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Logged by: Seren

Characters: Kimiko, Odette

Tags: Social, Affinity Drop

Word count: 11.2k

Ch03: Muzzles and Murderers

2023-12-05 - Industrial Park - Completed

Andre and Odette bump into Alex and ask him a few questions.

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Logged by: canis

Characters: Odette, Andre

Tags: Alex

Word count: 3.9k

Ch02: Finale ~ An Adequately Reasoned Discussion

2023-11-09 - Industrial Park - Completed

After Dakota proposes a meeting with an associate of his, a group of offworlders go to meet an Inteleon auditor at the Industrial Park to discuss what he knows about Shadow Pokémon.

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Logged by: Dragonfree

Characters: Steven, Odette, Wes, Bellatrix, Dave, Andre, Aige

Tags: Nolan, Plot, Shadows, Covenant

Word count: 17.1k

Ch02: Feathered Fellas, But Not Birds [Nova & Silver]

2023-10-27 - Industrial Park - Completed

Nova and Silver talk about recent events, their current lives in Forlas, bad decisions and the damage of human ambition.

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Logged by: Cress

Characters: Silver, Nova

Tags: Social

Word count: 2.5k

Ch01: Astrid and Gladion

2023-09-13 - Industrial Park - Completed

Astrid and Gladion loosen up and discuss their homeworlds.

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Logged by: Goat

Characters: Gladion, Astrid

Tags: Souls, Humans, Worlds

Word count: 2.6k