Heartache RPG

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Here you can view a log of scenes in Heartache, searchable by character and tags.

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Ch03: A Meeting After the Meeting [Lyle, Rodion & Silver]

2023-12-10 - Silver River - Completed

Coming off of a hectic meeting with the other Wayfarers, Rodion, Lyle, and Silver go for a walk along the Silver River to clear their heads and discuss what happened during the meeting.

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Logged by: Virgil

Characters: Silver, Lyle, Rodion

Tags: Radiance, Shadows, Social, Vanguard, Covenant

Word count: 4.2k

Ch02: Finale ~ Beneath the Moon's Gaze

2023-11-10 - Bedaurejo Castle Mystery Dungeon - Completed

Following up on Farin's request, a group of offworlders travels to the Bedaurejo Castle mystery dungeon, where they meet with representative of the Vanguard, Gallade Valere. Valere is willing to give them information on the Coven, but first, the party must prove their convictions in battle.

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Logged by: JFought

Characters: Laura, Kimiko, Silver, Ridley, Gladion, Mhynt, Isidora

Tags: Valere, Farin, Combat, Finale, Vanguard, Plot

Word count: 18.8k