Heartache RPG

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Here you can view a log of scenes in Heartache, searchable by character and tags.

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Ch04: Other Selves and Rescues [Jade and Gladion]

2024-01-25 - Sand Veil Archives - Completed

Jade and Gladion chat about the possibility of meeting other versions of people from their worlds, as well as their mutual experiences with rescuing experiments.

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Logged by: Chibi

Characters: Jade, Gladion

Tags: Social

Word count: 3.7k

Ch03: So Who Even Are the Rangers, Anyway?

2023-12-16 - Sand Veil Archives - Completed

Isidora goes to the Sand Devil Archives to do research on the Ranger Union. Little does she know, the librarian Gliscor Tlalli has a lot of experience and plenty to teach.

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Logged by: JFought

Characters: Isidora

Tags: Tlalli, Ranger Union, Social

Word count: 3.7k

Ch03: Catching Up [Koa & Archie]

2023-11-21 - Sand Veil Archives - Completed

Koa runs into Archie at the library, and the two get into a conversation. They discuss the Charmeleon attack, and Archie tries to dig into Koa's beef with Wes, and the two get to know each other a little better.

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Logged by: Tetra

Characters: Archie, Koa

Tags: Theorycrafting, Social, Bluex2

Word count: 7.0k

Ch02: Laura & Isidora ~ Forlas Researchers

2023-10-19 - Sand Veil Archives - Completed

Laura catches Isidora reading in the library, and the two become great friends talking about history. Until...

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Logged by: JFought

Characters: Laura, Isidora

Tags: Social

Word count: 3.7k

Ch02: Wrapped Up in Research, Haunting the Halls [Corey & Ghaspius]

2023-10-17 - Sand Veil Archives - Completed

Corey is intensely looking into human activity when he stumbles into a fellow researcher by the name of Ghaspius. The two end up bonding over their careers and shared intrigue of one another's species.

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Logged by: Minty

Characters: Ghaspius, Corey

Tags: Social

Word count: 5.2k

Ch02: Laura and Gladion

2023-10-09 - Sand Veil Archives - Completed

Gladion and Laura talk about species configurations, souls, genetic engineering, and definitely not about their personal lives.

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Logged by: Lyn

Characters: Laura, Gladion

Tags: Social

Word count: 4.9k

Ch01: Of Clans, Trainers, and Legends [Koa & Jade]

2023-09-19 - Sand Veil Archives - Completed

Jade and Koa meet in the library and discuss the Escarpa Clan, the being that summoned them, and the grey nature of Legendary Pokemon both in Forlas and back home.

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Logged by: Chibi

Characters: Jade, Koa

Tags: Private, Worldbuilding, Joa

Word count: 4.2k

Ch01: Leaf's Lucrative Library Visit

2023-09-15 - Sand Veil Archives - Completed

Leaf meets a strange, nonverbal nidoran in Frontier Town's library. All he seems to want is to look at books with pretty pictures, although the staff are suspicious of his not-quite-sapient behavior. Leaf does her best to help him out and learn a little more about him, but is left with more questions than answers.

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Logged by: Phoenixsong

Characters: Leaf

Tags: Strange Nidoran

Word count: 2.5k