Here you can view a log of scenes in Heartache, searchable by character and tags.
2024-02-17 - Pueblo Quarters - Completed
The spirit of Sinopa is present with the Wayfarers when they awaken. (Or is she?) She invites them to ask questions while she has the dungeon prepare breakfast, and is able to speak directly to Betel as the group discusses the possibility of a dungeon anchor/waypoint in the area.
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Logged by: Phoenixsong
Characters: Koa, Kimiko, Isidora, Leaf
Tags: Rangers, Betel, Ranger Union, Sinopa, Voice
Word count: 4.4k
2024-02-12 - Ranger Union HQ - Completed
The Wayfarers make good time to Ranger HQ, a canyon full of pueblos that seem to shift and move on their own (not that it bothers the seasoned Rangers any). Nico introduces them to one of his superiors, Braviary Cascada Escarpa, and a researcher looking to delve into Divine Dungeons, Wyrdeer Sybil.
Tags: Sybil, Nico, Plot, Rangers, Ranger Union, Cascada
Word count: 4.5k
2023-12-16 - Sand Veil Archives - Completed
Isidora goes to the Sand Devil Archives to do research on the Ranger Union. Little does she know, the librarian Gliscor Tlalli has a lot of experience and plenty to teach.
Logged by: JFought
Characters: Isidora
Tags: Tlalli, Ranger Union, Social
Word count: 3.7k
2023-11-10 - Silver Ravine Mystery Dungeon - Completed
Ayda and Razael meet the party of interested recruits (and Nova) in the depths of Silver Ravine to test their strength, cooperation, and dedication in battle.
Characters: Koa, Jade, Archie, Nova, Prim, Astrid, Leaf
Tags: Razael, Combat, Ayda, Nico, Xoco, Finale, Strange Nidoran, Ranger Union, Plot
Word count: 15.2k
2023-10-31 - Civic Courtyard - Completed
Ranger Chief Dewott Ayda and her second-in-command, Haxorus Razael, are in town to discuss recent happenings with Lucien. Several Nexus heroes catch them after the meeting and request a chance to join the Ranger Union, or at least a chance for their two groups to work together. Ayda says she'll consider it... if a selection of their best fighters can beat her and Razael in a battle this coming Drakesday.
Characters: Koa, Jade, Prim, Felin, Leaf
Tags: Group, Razael, Ranger Union, Ayda, Plot
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