Heartache RPG

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Here you can view a log of scenes in Heartache, searchable by character and tags.

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Ch01: Spooky Medicine Man meets Astrid

2023-09-24 - Drungfield's Remedies - Completed

Ghaspius and Astrid get to know each other. They both have a tendency to space out.

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Logged by: Jackie Cat

Characters: Ghaspius, Astrid

Tags: Social, Private

Word count: 4.0k

Ch01: Collocutor to collocutor communique (Aige & Silver)

2023-09-21 - Main Street - Completed

Aige and Silver talk about professions in their worlds, crime and money!!

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Logged by: Cress

Characters: Aige, Silver

Tags: Private, Social

Word count: 2.6k

Ch01: Of Clans, Trainers, and Legends [Koa & Jade]

2023-09-19 - Sand Veil Archives - Completed

Jade and Koa meet in the library and discuss the Escarpa Clan, the being that summoned them, and the grey nature of Legendary Pokemon both in Forlas and back home.

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Logged by: Chibi

Characters: Jade, Koa

Tags: Private, Worldbuilding, Joa

Word count: 4.2k

Ch01: Odette and Bellatrix return to the railway

2023-09-10 - Grand Station Construction Site - Completed

Bellatrix and Odette encounter each other at the construction site of the railway station and discuss what might be in store for them after a strange dream.

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Logged by: Inke

Characters: Odette, Bellatrix

Tags: Private

Word count: 4.5k

Ch01: Espurr and Leaf

2023-09-09 - Sun Stone Saloon - Completed

It turns out lunch at the Sun Stone is just a little bit out of Leaf and Espurr's price range, but at least it's a decent place to brainstorm a plan of action. The two discuss who actually sent them here, why they might not have heard directly from that person yet, and whether there might be some clues in any other strange events that coincide with their group's arrival.

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Logged by: Phoenixsong

Characters: Leaf, Espurr

Tags: Private

Word count: 2.4k

Ch01: Old Habits (Bellatrix & Archie)

2023-09-06 - Traveller's Haus - Lobby - Completed

Archie and Bellatrix encounter each other at the Traveller's Haus, the former having slept in and the latter choosing what missions she wants to take today. The two discuss their respective worlds and quickly realise that they have many similarities. Bellatrix's workaholic tendencies are also put on display, much to Archie's worry.

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Logged by: Inke

Characters: Archie, Bellatrix

Tags: Private

Word count: 3.7k