Heartache RPG

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Here you can view a log of scenes in Heartache, searchable by character and tags.

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Ch05: Catching up on Saints and Relics

2024-04-20 - Civic Courtyard - Completed

Ralsen chats with the Wayfarers about their findings regarding the Saints, Divine Dungeons, and the ancient god of victory who fixed the sun.

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Logged by: Chibi

Characters: Koa, Laura, Steven

Tags: Social, Worldbuilding, Lore, Ralsen, Theorycrafting, Saint of Victory

Word count: 3.5k

Ch04: Baneful Masks

2024-02-10 - Traveller's Haus - Dining Hall - Completed

Koa meets with Bellatrix to review just the facts of what happened with Alex Xander, and discuss some theories. Both are determined to keep their masks up for better or worse. The discussion turns from theories to something more personal, and the two discuss what happened during their first meeting.

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Logged by: Tetra

Characters: Koa, Bellatrix

Tags: Theorycrafting, Social, Affinity Change, Fox & Hound

Word count: 5.0k

Ch04: Long Thyme No See (Koa & Mhynt)

2024-02-06 - Totally Normal Bulletin Board - Completed

Koa seeks out Mhynt to learn about the Zweilous Alex, discovering some unsettling things. They discuss what Alex's plans may be, and what he is capable of.

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Logged by: Tetra

Characters: Koa, Mhynt

Tags: Alexander, Alex, Plot, Theorycrafting, Khynt

Word count: 4.2k

Ch03: In the Shadow of Doubt [Koa & Odette]

2024-01-05 - The Wanderin' Zera - Completed

After the nerve wracking meeting with Alex the Zweilous near Silver Ravine, Koa seeks out a friendly face. He runs into Odette at the Wandering Zera and he shares what happened. Odette kindly offers a listening ear and some advice as they discuss the ramifications of what he found out.

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Logged by: Tetra

Characters: Odette, Koa

Tags: Theorycrafting, Social, Kodette, Bark & Bite

Word count: 4.2k

Ch03: Catching Up [Koa & Archie]

2023-11-21 - Sand Veil Archives - Completed

Koa runs into Archie at the library, and the two get into a conversation. They discuss the Charmeleon attack, and Archie tries to dig into Koa's beef with Wes, and the two get to know each other a little better.

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Logged by: Tetra

Characters: Archie, Koa

Tags: Theorycrafting, Social, Bluex2

Word count: 7.0k

Ch01: Dave & Nova ~ Geneticist & Lab Accident

2023-09-16 - Traveller's Haus - Guest Rooms - Completed

Dave bumps into Nova at the Traveller's Haus and asks for a moment to tell him about Gerome's warnings about the human supremacist group. They wind up discussing humans, Nova's world, and the mysterious cloud that brought them here.

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Logged by: Dragonfree

Characters: Dave, Nova

Tags: Theorycrafting, Social

Word count: 2.9k