Heartache RPG

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Ch07: Treasonous Minion

2024-12-08 - Totally Normal Bulletin Board - Completed

Owen offers to give what information he can to the Wayfarers about Alex, and thanks to Powehi, pass on a new shadow power.

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Logged by: Tetra

Characters: Dave, Silver, Jade, Mhynt, Grace, Archie, Gladion, Nova, Koa

Tags: Shadows, Owen, Plot, Alexander

Word count: 5.0k

Ch05: Shop Talk

2024-03-20 - Totally Normal Bulletin Board - Completed

Archie and Felin discuss plans moving forward after the raid on Terminal Two, unaware of just how badly things had gone wrong with the follow up escort mission. After a short sparring session, Felin regains the use of her Sacred Sword, but it hardly seems like a happy occasion for the cat.

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Logged by: Rex

Characters: Archie, Felin

Tags: None

Word count: 5.4k

Ch04: Long Thyme No See (Koa & Mhynt)

2024-02-06 - Totally Normal Bulletin Board - Completed

Koa seeks out Mhynt to learn about the Zweilous Alex, discovering some unsettling things. They discuss what Alex's plans may be, and what he is capable of.

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Logged by: Tetra

Characters: Koa, Mhynt

Tags: Alexander, Alex, Plot, Theorycrafting, Khynt

Word count: 4.2k

Ch04: Strange Dog Meets Slightly Bigger Egg

2024-01-30 - Totally Normal Bulletin Board - Completed

Grace and Nova get to know one another. She tries to help him with his mask, inching it closer toward its breaking point.

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Logged by: Ambyssin

Characters: Grace, Nova

Tags: Social

Word count: 2.4k

Ch03: Uncomfortable Questions Hour

2023-12-26 - Totally Normal Bulletin Board - Completed

Ridley and Nova talk about pokeballs.

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Logged by: Hap

Characters: Ridley, Nova

Tags: Social

Word count: 3.6k

Ch03: What's the Damage?

2023-12-22 - Totally Normal Bulletin Board - Completed

Archie heads to the bulletin board and stumbles upon Nova sleeping in the outskirts of the small tent community formed around it. After (unsuccessfully) attempting to get Nova to return to town, Archie explains what he's been up to the interim. Nova also describes some stuff about Mew and Mewtwo and his working with them, despite not directly naming them. He also offers Archie some theories about Shadow power, with the caveat they're based on his experiences back home.

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Logged by: Ambyssin

Characters: Archie, Nova

Tags: Social

Word count: 5.7k

Ch03: A Cat fell in Nova's Training Montage With Mewtwo

2023-12-16 - Totally Normal Bulletin Board - Completed

Felin finds Nova by the bulletin board and decides to accompany him to "friendship training" with Mew and Mewtwo. While together, Felin reveals she was checking on Razael's charmeleon friend in Obstine Abbey following the shadow charmeleon sightings. During training, Mewtwo tests Nova's resolve through his belief about his fellow pokémon and what they might represent to humans. His poké ball is swapped out for an apricorn-made luxury ball. At the end, Felin reveals she has a lead on the Wandering Light.

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Logged by: Ambyssin

Characters: Felin, Nova

Tags: Social, Mewtwo, Mew, Plot

Word count: 5.9k

Ch03: Nova and Gladion

2023-12-09 - Totally Normal Bulletin Board - Completed

Shortly after Mewtwo’s Lair, Gladion and Nova talk about Nulls and Mewtwos

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Logged by: Lyn

Characters: Gladion, Nova

Tags: None

Word count: 1.2k

Ch03: Board-runner Meeting

2023-12-03 - Totally Normal Bulletin Board - Completed

Nova and Mhynt head to the Bulletin Board to meet Mew, along with a few concerned others—and Gladion, in case Mew's offer to help could extend to him, too. Mew appears and offers to take them to meet with someone, producing more poké balls to carry them all.

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Logged by: Phoenixsong

Characters: Koa, Jade, Mhynt, Nova, Gladion, Leaf

Tags: Plot, Mew

Word count: 2.9k

Ch03: Nova's Boarding Pass (Ft. Mhynt)

2023-11-23 - Totally Normal Bulletin Board - Completed

In an effort to be rid of his mask, Nova delivers a request to the board, where Mhynt is keeping watch. The board's curator notices this and ends up inviting Nova to a more discrete place to talk. Mew reveals himself and produces a Poké Ball. Thinking this is the route to getting his mask broken, Nova allows Mew to capture him. He promises to return after the team's meeting.

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Logged by: Ambyssin

Characters: Mhynt, Nova

Tags: Mew, Social, Plot

Word count: 3.7k