Heartache RPG

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Here you can view a log of scenes in Heartache, searchable by character and tags.

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Ch03: Cactus Whiskey [Grace, Gerome, & Dave]

2023-12-06 - The Wanderin' Zera - Completed

Grace returns to Frontier Town after a harrowing encounter with a Shadow Charmander. Meanwhile, Dave asks Gerome about his past and learns of the Tyranitar's experience waking up on Forlas as a human-turned-Larvitar, as well as previous run-ins with the Coven wherein he was helped by Jesse Stranger.

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Logged by: Chibi

Characters: Dave, Grace

Tags: Gerome, Plot, Recap

Word count: 5.0k

Ch03: The Walls have Claws - Shadow Skorupi battle

2023-12-03 - Traveller's Haus - Guest Rooms - Completed

The shadow skorupi followed the Blaguarro Investigation Squad back home, infiltrates the Traveler's Haus, and introduces itself. It goes well for everyone involved.

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Logged by: Seren

Characters: Kimiko, Steven, Ridley, Archie, Odette, Wes, Dave, Koa, Astrid

Tags: Shadow Skorupi, Battle, Whump, Combat, Plot

Word count: 20.3k

Ch03: The First Team Meeting

2023-11-25 - Sun Stone Saloon - Completed

The team gathers together to discuss everything they've learned covering everything from Shadows to Radiance, the mysterious 'Coven' to the elusive 'Vanguard'. With a few detours for overdue naming of things.

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Logged by: Chibi

Characters: Jade, Laura, Arctozolt, Leaf, Kimiko, Steven, Silver, Ridley, Archie, Odette, Wes, Gladion, Bellatrix, Mhynt, Dave, Koa, Tarahn, Ghaspius, Andre, Espurr, Aige, Nova, Isidora

Tags: Shadows, Group, Plot, Covenant

Word count: 23.8k

Ch03: Dave and Ridley Discuss Voices

2023-11-21 - Dusty Highway - Completed

Dave and Ridley go looking for the Voice and bump into each other while searching.

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Logged by: Hap

Characters: Dave, Ridley

Tags: Plot

Word count: 4.6k

Ch02: Finale ~ An Adequately Reasoned Discussion

2023-11-09 - Industrial Park - Completed

After Dakota proposes a meeting with an associate of his, a group of offworlders go to meet an Inteleon auditor at the Industrial Park to discuss what he knows about Shadow Pokémon.

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Logged by: Dragonfree

Characters: Steven, Odette, Wes, Bellatrix, Dave, Andre, Aige

Tags: Nolan, Plot, Shadows, Covenant

Word count: 17.1k

Ch02: A Chat with M, A, and V

2023-11-04 - The Dragon's Cellar - Completed

Dave and Wes question Mav regarding the odd happenings in Blaguarro Town. As it turns out, there is a lot to learn from the drunk bird.

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Logged by: Inke

Characters: Wes, Dave

Tags: Mav, Plot, Sidequest, Tala

Word count: 5.2k

Ch02: The Train at Dawn

2023-10-26 - Main Station - Completed

A group travel to Blaguarro Town and receive a warm welcome from its inhabitants.

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Logged by: Hap

Characters: Kimiko, Ridley, Odette, Wes, Bellatrix, Dave, Astrid, Andre, Isidora

Tags: Ryder, Jaak, Anite

Word count: 10.1k

Ch02: Investigating the Cabin

2023-10-20 - Brisa's Cabin - Completed

Dave, Koa, Prim and Wes head to Brisa's cabin to investigate the scene.

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Logged by: Dragonfree

Characters: Wes, Prim, Dave, Koa

Tags: Plot, Jesse, Brisa, Alejandro

Word count: 5.2k

Ch02: The Wagon at Witching Hour

2023-10-13 - Dusty Highway - Completed

After learning about mysterious wagons moving Pokémon no one would miss at Ignatius's behest towards 'Terminal 2' near Blaguarro, Andre, Dave, Koa, Ridley and Wes volunteer to go on a scouting mission to find out where the wagons are going. They get more than they bargained for when the wagon is attacked midway by one of the 'Witching Beasts' that Jaak described.

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Logged by: Dragonfree

Characters: Jade, Laura, Ridley, Wes, Dave, Koa, Andre

Tags: Sonora, Prison wagon Mudsdale, Prison wagon Rattata, Las Picaras, Plot

Word count: 14.4k

Ch02: A Familiar, Friendly Face

2023-10-09 - Grand Station Construction Site - Completed

After causing a ruckus in Frontier Town, Jaak tries to speak to the workers at the Grand Station construction site about the status of the rail. A group of offworlders, either curious or caught up in the commotion, check out what's going on. There, they learn that there is trouble in Blaguarro Town with "Witching Beasts" and a train had been derailed further east. Learning of this, the group begins to plan about what they want to do about Blaguarro Town...

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Logged by: Inke

Characters: Kimiko, Eco, Ridley, Odette, Wes, Dave, Ghaspius, Aige

Tags: Plot, Jaak

Word count: 6.2k