Here you can view a log of scenes in Heartache, searchable by character and tags.
2024-03-20 - Dusty Highway - Completed
Deciding that the Ranger HQ is the best place to keep the newly-arrested Cipher Admins, the Rangers and a small group of Wayfarers begin a long escort. Unfortunately, Alexander attacks on the way, opening his offensive by seemingly killing Ein before anyone had the chance to react. The group was able to repel Alexander before any more victims could be claimed resulting in the escort of four and a quarter prisoners instead of five.
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Logged by: Inke
Characters: Koa, Mhynt, Bellatrix, Odette, Wes, Dave, Isidora
Tags: Plot, Leona, Rangers, Seth, Cipher Admins, Alexander, Shadows
Word count: 12.8k
2024-02-20 - Dusty Highway - Completed
Leaf catches up on her usual evening runs. Can't fall out of the habit, after all. Gotta keep moving if you want to get anything done. Have you considered that the reason everything still feels so unclear is because you haven't been moving fast enough? (Set between the Ranger HQ expedition and the Timeless Oasis sidequest.)
Logged by: Phoenixsong
Characters: Leaf
Tags: Solo, Evolution
Word count: 883
2024-01-28 - Dusty Highway - Completed
Nico escorts a group of Wayfarers to Ranger HQ. The trip is briefly interrupted by an unseasonable bramblin migration; thankfully it only takes a little teamwork to get the wild pokémon moving on their way, but Nico and Betel worry their appearance is related to a dormant dungeon reopening. Nico also explains that the headquarters he's taking the group to isn't just a normal building, but is itself a dungeon—and a dungeon that has somehow been merged with the spirit of a former Ranger Chief, Espeon Sinopa.
Characters: Koa, Kimiko, Isidora, Leaf
Tags: Rangers, Plot, Sinopa, Nico, Expedition
Word count: 7.1k
2024-01-04 - Dusty Highway - Completed
Isidora comes up with a theory, and she tries it out.
Logged by: JFought
Characters: Isidora
Tags: Night, Solo
Word count: 713
2023-11-21 - Dusty Highway - Completed
Dave and Ridley go looking for the Voice and bump into each other while searching.
Logged by: Hap
Characters: Dave, Ridley
Tags: Plot
Word count: 4.6k
2023-11-05 - Dusty Highway - Completed
Laura, Archie, Koa and Silver help Gligar Xoco deal with some rowdy feral Dragon-types in the Dusty Orchard.
Logged by: Dragonfree
Characters: Koa, Archie, Silver, Laura
Tags: Xoco, Combat
Word count: 6.7k
2023-10-13 - Dusty Highway - Completed
After learning about mysterious wagons moving Pokémon no one would miss at Ignatius's behest towards 'Terminal 2' near Blaguarro, Andre, Dave, Koa, Ridley and Wes volunteer to go on a scouting mission to find out where the wagons are going. They get more than they bargained for when the wagon is attacked midway by one of the 'Witching Beasts' that Jaak described.
Characters: Koa, Jade, Wes, Andre, Dave, Ridley, Laura
Tags: Sonora, Prison wagon Mudsdale, Prison wagon Rattata, Las Picaras, Plot
Word count: 14.4k
2023-09-16 - Dusty Highway - Completed
Nico hires Felin, Isidora, Koa, and Ridley to help investigate a supply wagon that went missing. There's some conflict on the way, but ultimately the party puts on a good show and safely secures the wagon. An impressed Nico promises to put a good word in to the Ranger Union.
Characters: Koa, Isidora, Ridley, Felin
Tags: Nico, Tutorial, Mission, Combat
Word count: 7.4k
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