Here you can view a log of scenes in Heartache, searchable by character and tags.
2024-02-06 - Lumirror Forest - Completed
The Wayfarers manage to make it into the dungeon, but it seems a bit stranger than the one in Silver Ravine. Still, after some wayward navigation, they manage to establish an anchor.
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Logged by: Minty
Characters: Archie, Andre, Ghaspius, Gladion
Tags: Plot, Expedition, Dungeon
Word count: 7.5k
2024-02-03 - Scrivener's Library - Completed
The Little Scriven expedition Wayfarers meet with Mayor Enubel. She tells them that they're setting up an Offworlder-themed festival in town and would like the Wayfarers to contribute - offering to match anything they ask for and is highly interested in their stories (Sidequest). She then directs them to where the dungeon is in town (Plot).
Tags: Plot, Sidequest, Expedition
Word count: 1.3k
2024-01-29 - Westward Trails - Completed
The Wayfarers trek through the mountains to find Obstine Abbey, the spot of the most recent Wandering Light sighting and home to monks who might help them understand Radiance. A dungeon seems to open up around them along the way—part of an unusual increase in activity that might coincide with the Wayfarers' arrival, according to Betel—and they have to navigate around some territorial wilds in the process.
Logged by: Phoenixsong
Characters: Odette, Dave, Rodion, Silver, Lyle, Laura, Felin, Aige
Tags: Expedition, Plot, Betel, Voice
Word count: 7.8k
2024-01-28 - Dusty Highway - Completed
Nico escorts a group of Wayfarers to Ranger HQ. The trip is briefly interrupted by an unseasonable bramblin migration; thankfully it only takes a little teamwork to get the wild pokémon moving on their way, but Nico and Betel worry their appearance is related to a dormant dungeon reopening. Nico also explains that the headquarters he's taking the group to isn't just a normal building, but is itself a dungeon—and a dungeon that has somehow been merged with the spirit of a former Ranger Chief, Espeon Sinopa.
Characters: Koa, Kimiko, Isidora, Leaf
Tags: Rangers, Plot, Sinopa, Nico, Expedition
Word count: 7.1k
2024-01-27 - Frontier Town Outskirts - Completed
In order to help stabilize dungeons and strengthen Betel's connection, several Wayfarers venture towards Little Scriven to setup an anchor in their distortion. Along the way, they find that Cipher has been laying traps along the way hoping to track them down. It seems they're aware of the Wayfarers' recent activities...
Word count: 5.4k
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