Heartache RPG

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Here you can view a log of scenes in Heartache, searchable by character and tags.

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Ch05: Escorting Enemies

2024-03-20 - Dusty Highway - Completed

Deciding that the Ranger HQ is the best place to keep the newly-arrested Cipher Admins, the Rangers and a small group of Wayfarers begin a long escort. Unfortunately, Alexander attacks on the way, opening his offensive by seemingly killing Ein before anyone had the chance to react. The group was able to repel Alexander before any more victims could be claimed resulting in the escort of four and a quarter prisoners instead of five.

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Logged by: Inke

Characters: Koa, Mhynt, Bellatrix, Odette, Wes, Dave, Isidora

Tags: Plot, Leona, Rangers, Seth, Cipher Admins, Alexander, Shadows

Word count: 12.8k

Ch04: Finale ~ The Shadows That Keep Casting

2024-03-06 - T2 Deepest Lab - Completed

The Wayfarers who elected to search for Terminal Two's portal find something else instead. Cipher Admin Tinkaton Lovrina is guarding one of Cipher's major projects: the Shadow Containment Unit and the perfect shadow pokémon within, the Forlasan type: null ARK Unit.

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Logged by: Phoenixsong

Characters: Jade, Odette, Nova, Dave, Gladion, Laura

Tags: Lovrina, Plot, Cipher Admins, Finale, Cipher, ARK Unit, Combat, Shadows

Word count: 17.5k

Ch04: Finale ~ Heartless Ambition

2024-03-06 - Terminal Two Main Floor - Completed

The Wayfarers in charge of subduing Cipher's leaders find that the admins, Milotic Venus, Darmanitan Dakim and Manectric Ein, were expecting them. A difficult battle ensues, but the Wayfarers eventually manage to bring the admins down, and take out Terminal Two's major generators in the process. Then it's just a matter of hoping they'll answer some questions.

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Logged by: Phoenixsong

Characters: Koa, Mhynt, Bellatrix, Archie, Wes, Ghaspius, Isidora

Tags: Venus, Ein, Plot, Cipher Admins, Finale, Cipher, Combat, Seth, Dakim, Shadows

Word count: 23.7k