Here you can view a log of scenes in Heartache, searchable by character and tags.
2024-04-05 - Sun Stone Saloon - Completed
Still reeling following the events of the prisoner escort and unable to sleep, Koa finds himself having a late night talk with Odette. Not because he's lonely or worried though, totally not. They're both fine.
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Logged by: Tetra
Characters: Odette, Koa
Tags: Bark & Bite, Social, Kodette
Word count: 5.1k
2024-04-01 - Founder's Square - Completed
The Tsainanese samurai trio(?) have returned after their latest (mostly fruitless) search for the Saint of Victory, and they're ready for a good fight.
Logged by: Phoenixsong
Characters: Jade, Silver, Laura, Leaf, Mhynt
Tags: Mayu, Saint of Victory, Kotetsu, Samurai, Combat, Ibuki, Kyoko, Rin
Word count: 10.1k
2024-04-01 - Ranger Union HQ
Steven approaches Koa for a long overdue apology as he sees it, after the events of the previous chapters training match gone awry. They have a heart to heart and Steven reflects on his strange reaction to the Relic Stone previously.
Characters: Koa, Steven
Tags: BlueSteel, Social
Word count: 4.3k+
2024-04-01 - Twilight Quarry - Completed
Mhynt leads a scouting mission into the newly-renamed Twilight Quarry, the heart of Alexander's growing dark influence.
Logged by: Chibi
Characters: Mhynt, Grace, Bellatrix, Archie, Aige, Odette, Koa, Astrid
Tags: Alexander, Plot, Twilight Quarry, Owen, Shadows
Word count: 10.3k
2024-03-30 - Brisa's Cabin - Completed
Jade, Laura, Nova, and Gladion take the ARK Unit out to Brisa's cabin, a quiet private place where they'll be able to live in peace while still having access to Frontier Town and the Wayfarers. The chimera gains a new name, and a new roommate.
Characters: Jade, Laura, Gladion, Nova
Tags: Sage, Radiance, Shadows, ARK Unit
Word count: 2.4k
2024-03-29 - Frontier Town Outskirts - Completed
Nova and Mhynt work a bulletin board job together and the events of the latest caravan ambush come up.
Logged by: Ambyssin
Characters: Mhynt, Nova
Tags: Social
Word count: 1.7k
2024-03-29 - Founder's Square - Completed
Nova finds an impersonator near Founder's Square, but can't quite catch them...
Characters: Nova
Tags: Plot, imposter
Word count: 369
2024-03-28 - Clan Battlegrounds - Completed
Gladion and Halcón take a moment before sparring to talk.
Logged by: Lyn
Characters: Gladion
Tags: Halcón
Word count: 3.9k
2024-03-27 - Greenbough Empirical Orchards - Completed
Ghaspius asks Nova a bit about his backstory, and they briefly touch on fate vs freedom.
Logged by: Minty
Characters: Ghaspius, Nova
Word count: 2.1k
2024-03-27 - Ranger Union HQ - Completed
A small group of the Wayfarers travel to the Ranger HQ to see Sybil's progress researching the Relic Stone and its curative properties. Archie Koa and Mhynt are able to be cured of their shadow infection inflicted by Alex, while Steven has an unusual reaction. The Wayfarers attempt to heal Lycanroc Leona's shadows and make some progress, but she will need time to fully heal...
Characters: Steven, Archie, Wes, Mhynt, Koa
Tags: Leona, Sybil, Relic Stone, Alexander, Saints, Plot, Shadows
Word count: 8.3k
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