Heartache RPG

Scene Log

Here you can view a log of scenes in Heartache, searchable by character and tags.

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Ch03: What's the Damage?

2023-12-22 - Totally Normal Bulletin Board - Completed

Archie heads to the bulletin board and stumbles upon Nova sleeping in the outskirts of the small tent community formed around it. After (unsuccessfully) attempting to get Nova to return to town, Archie explains what he's been up to the interim. Nova also describes some stuff about Mew and Mewtwo and his working with them, despite not directly naming them. He also offers Archie some theories about Shadow power, with the caveat they're based on his experiences back home.

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Logged by: Ambyssin

Characters: Archie, Nova

Tags: Social

Word count: 5.7k

Ch03: The Sound of Bells

2023-12-18 - Sanctum of Wishes - Completed

Ridley and Steven have a conversation.

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Logged by: Hap

Characters: Ridley, Steven

Tags: Social

Word count: 4.4k

Ch03: How to Train Your Drapion [Koa & Drapion]

2023-12-18 - Jailhouse - Completed

Koa is determined to find some way to reach the Drapion through the haze of Shadow frenzy. He and Archie try everything they can think of while enduring the judgmental commentary of the other inmate, ex-mayor Ignatius Voclain. Until the enigmatic Zweilous Alex arrives, claiming to be a Shadow investigator...

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Logged by: Hap

Characters: Archie, Koa

Tags: Shadows, Drapion, Alex, Ignatius, Plot, Bluex2

Word count: 8.4k

Ch03: Locked in and Locked Out [Wes & Jade]

2023-12-17 - Drungfield's Remedies - Completed

Jade stumbles across Wes in a medical bed *again* and they have a chat about their situations back home, and how they both have to tread carefully to avoid unwanted attention from the organizations they're on the bad side of.

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Logged by: Chibi

Characters: Jade, Wes

Tags: Social

Word count: 3.3k

Ch03: So Who Even Are the Rangers, Anyway?

2023-12-16 - Sand Veil Archives - Completed

Isidora goes to the Sand Devil Archives to do research on the Ranger Union. Little does she know, the librarian Gliscor Tlalli has a lot of experience and plenty to teach.

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Logged by: JFought

Characters: Isidora

Tags: Tlalli, Ranger Union, Social

Word count: 3.7k

Ch03: Laura and Gladion

2023-12-16 - Traveller's Haus - Lobby - Completed

Gladion, Laura, and Betel discuss Mewtwo and Type: Null in Forlas.

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Logged by: Lyn

Characters: Laura, Gladion

Tags: Plot, Betel

Word count: 3.9k

Ch03: A Cat fell in Nova's Training Montage With Mewtwo

2023-12-16 - Totally Normal Bulletin Board - Completed

Felin finds Nova by the bulletin board and decides to accompany him to "friendship training" with Mew and Mewtwo. While together, Felin reveals she was checking on Razael's charmeleon friend in Obstine Abbey following the shadow charmeleon sightings. During training, Mewtwo tests Nova's resolve through his belief about his fellow pokémon and what they might represent to humans. His poké ball is swapped out for an apricorn-made luxury ball. At the end, Felin reveals she has a lead on the Wandering Light.

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Logged by: Ambyssin

Characters: Felin, Nova

Tags: Social, Mewtwo, Mew, Plot

Word count: 5.9k

Ch03: Bird Watching

2023-12-11 - Main Street - Completed

The Wayfarers listen to the gossiping caws of the local Murkrow to catch wind of the Escarpa clan's latest activity... and a plan to lock down the town of Blaguarro. A Houndoom scout will be arriving at dawn the next day, so the group must mobilize quickly.

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Logged by: Chibi

Characters: Odette, Bellatrix, Ghaspius, Andre, Espurr

Tags: Escarpa, Murkrow, Plot

Word count: 2.7k

Ch03: A Meeting After the Meeting [Lyle, Rodion & Silver]

2023-12-10 - Silver River - Completed

Coming off of a hectic meeting with the other Wayfarers, Rodion, Lyle, and Silver go for a walk along the Silver River to clear their heads and discuss what happened during the meeting.

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Logged by: Virgil

Characters: Silver, Lyle, Rodion

Tags: Radiance, Shadows, Social, Vanguard, Covenant

Word count: 4.2k

Ch03: Gladion and Isidora ~ Shared Concerns

2023-12-10 - Founder's Square - Completed

Gladion catches Isidora loitering by herself in the square at night, and they have a brief conversation together about their concerns and positions regarding the rest of the party. In the end, they manage to reach an understanding with each other, and a willingness to back each other up in the future.

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Logged by: JFought

Characters: Isidora, Gladion

Tags: Night, Social

Word count: 2.2k