Heartache RPG

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Ch06: Material Meetup

2024-07-18 - Nocwell's General Goods - Completed

While buying items for the Quarry raid, a grizzled lucario accosts Nova. It turns out to be Powehi. The two discuss Forlas' state of affairs and Nova learns some critical details about the history of offworlders on Forlas.

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Logged by: Ambyssin

Characters: Nova

Tags: Powehi, NPC, Plot, Lore, Worldbuilding

Word count: 6.6k

Ch04: Full Moon Fallout - Part 1 (Wes and Steven)

2024-01-24 - Nocwell's General Goods - Completed

The morning after the Seth debacle, Wes bumps into Steven in a local shop. It goes about as well as you think.

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Logged by: Pano

Characters: Wes, Steven

Tags: Social

Word count: 683

Ch03: A wild(???) Purple appears

2023-12-27 - Nocwell's General Goods - Completed

Leaf once again runs into "Purple" the nidoran while they're both out shopping. This time, he's looking for much harder-to-find items: a moon stone and some rare berries. Grace joins them as they look through the shops, and as the two Wayfarers catch up, they notice that Purple seems to be able to communicate with Grace (and some of the shopkeepers) a little more directly.

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Logged by: Phoenixsong

Characters: Leaf, Grace

Tags: Strange Nidoran, Social

Word count: 4.5k