Here you can view a log of scenes in Heartache, searchable by character and tags.
2024-03-27 - Traveller's Haus - Dining Hall - Completed
Following some odd behaviour from Mhynt after the teams escort mission with the Cipher prisoners, Koa waits for her at the dining hall. The two take some time to talk, and Koa encourages her to follow her own advice.
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Logged by: Tetra
Characters: Koa, Mhynt
Tags: Khynt, Social
Word count: 2.1k
2024-03-20 - Dusty Highway - Completed
Deciding that the Ranger HQ is the best place to keep the newly-arrested Cipher Admins, the Rangers and a small group of Wayfarers begin a long escort. Unfortunately, Alexander attacks on the way, opening his offensive by seemingly killing Ein before anyone had the chance to react. The group was able to repel Alexander before any more victims could be claimed resulting in the escort of four and a quarter prisoners instead of five.
Logged by: Inke
Characters: Koa, Mhynt, Bellatrix, Odette, Wes, Dave, Isidora
Tags: Plot, Leona, Rangers, Seth, Cipher Admins, Alexander, Shadows
Word count: 12.8k
2024-03-06 - Terminal Two Main Floor - Completed
The Wayfarers in charge of subduing Cipher's leaders find that the admins, Milotic Venus, Darmanitan Dakim and Manectric Ein, were expecting them. A difficult battle ensues, but the Wayfarers eventually manage to bring the admins down, and take out Terminal Two's major generators in the process. Then it's just a matter of hoping they'll answer some questions.
Logged by: Phoenixsong
Characters: Koa, Mhynt, Bellatrix, Archie, Wes, Ghaspius, Isidora
Tags: Venus, Ein, Plot, Cipher Admins, Finale, Cipher, Combat, Seth, Dakim, Shadows
Word count: 23.7k
2024-03-03 - Abandoned District - Completed
The day of the raid on Terminal Two has arrived. The Rangers and the Escarpa maintain a perimeter, Luz grants the Wayfarers the power of Radiance, and then the group marches into the tunnels below Blaguarro. They just need to find a way past Cipher's security and see what awaits...
Characters: Koa, Jade, Mhynt, Kimiko, Bellatrix, Odette, Archie, Nova, Wes, Steven, Andre, Ghaspius, Dave, Isidora, Gladion, Silver, Ridley, Laura, Leaf, Aige, Grace
Tags: Plot, Radiance, Tala, Finale, Anite, Sonora, Seth, Wandering Light, Mav
Word count: 15.4k
2024-02-19 - Timeless Oasis - Completed
The hour is right for the Timeless Oasis Divine Dungeon to reveal itself. Researcher Sybil leads a group of Wayfarers to the point where it will appear, and where—if they're lucky—the Saint known as the Purifying Spirit awaits. Unfortunately, the group seems to have been tailed by a trio of Cipher agents who want to claim the Saint's relic for themselves, fronted by the fantastic, famous, fashionable and fabulously fleet-footed Miror B. himself.
Characters: Koa, Mhynt, Kimiko, Archie, Nova, Wes, Steven, Ridley, Leaf
Tags: Sybil, Celebi, Sidequest, Miror B., Murkrow, Reath, Cipher, Ferma, Dungeon
Word count: 29.2k
2024-02-06 - Totally Normal Bulletin Board - Completed
Koa seeks out Mhynt to learn about the Zweilous Alex, discovering some unsettling things. They discuss what Alex's plans may be, and what he is capable of.
Tags: Alexander, Alex, Plot, Theorycrafting, Khynt
Word count: 4.2k
2024-01-26 - Founder's Square - Completed
Mhynt helps Nova hide a— I mean, deliver a dead body to the proper authorities.
Logged by: Ambyssin
Characters: Mhynt, Nova
Tags: Social
Word count: 1.8k
2024-01-20 - Frontier Town Outskirts - Completed
Andre discovers a recently-evolved Mhynt, who seems distraught over her new (old) form, and takes her mind off things by talking about this and that.
Logged by: canis
Characters: Mhynt, Andre
Tags: Social, Whump
Word count: 3.1k
2024-01-19 - Dreams - Completed
The Shadow voice reveals himself to be Powehi, the Forlasan Dark Matter and the ancient embodiment of all negativity. He explains that too many offworld souls intruding on Forlas at once is straining the integrity of the world, and that the longer the Wayfarers remain, the more the rifts in reality will expand.
Logged by: Chibi
Characters: Koa, Jade, Mhynt, Kimiko, Odette, Archie, Nova, Wes, Steven, Ghaspius, Dave, Isidora, Silver, Ridley, Laura, Felin, Grace
Tags: Shadows, Plot, Worldbuilding, Group, Powehi
Word count: 9.3k
2024-01-13 - Rail Bridge Over the Silver - Completed
A contingent of Wayfarers hurries to the rail bridge, where they find Escarpa warriors planting charges. They relay Sierra's message and ask for a battle and a chance to prove their conviction. Laura and Halcón oversee the match and discuss the battle and what its stakes mean to each of them.
Characters: Jade, Mhynt, Gladion, Laura, Felin
Tags: Escarpa, Plot, Sol, Finale, Halcon, Ria, Pyrrin
Word count: 6.4k
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