2023-09-16 - Dusty Highway - Completed
Nico hires Felin, Isidora, Koa, and Ridley to help investigate a supply wagon that went missing. There's some conflict on the way, but ultimately the party puts on a good show and safely secures the wagon. An impressed Nico promises to put a good word in to the Ranger Union.
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Logged by: JFought
Characters: Koa, Isidora, Ridley, Felin
Tags: Nico, Tutorial, Mission, Combat
Word count: 7.4k
2023-08-27 - Brisa's Cabin - Completed
Koa and Nip arrive near an isolated cabin. There, they meet a Galvatula named Alejandro. He explains that the cabin belongs to a Bridal Escarpa, and points them in the direction of Frontier Town. Nip gives Koa a fishing lesson along the way.
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Logged by: Wind
Characters: Koa, Nip
Tags: Alejandro, Landing, Social
Word count: 6.8k
2023-08-25 - Forlas Spirit Nexus - Completed
Everyone appears at the Spirit Nexus, a place between worlds, where they have been summoned by a naïve, sparkling cloud-entity (dubbed "Voice" by Ghaspius). The Voice explains that the PCs have been sent in response to a call for help that they relayed from an unknown human hero, and that they need to save a world known as Forlas from some unknown crisis that threatens it.
The Voice answers their many questions and builds fresh new bodies for the PCs. All human PCs turn into Pokémon before they can enter Forlas, becoming a species that resonates with their soul in one or another way.
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Logged by: Dragonfree
Characters: Koa, Jade, Mhynt, Kimiko, Tyr, Bellatrix, Corey, Eco, Archie, Nova, Kalas, Wes, Steven, Nip, Andre, Ghaspius, Prim, Dave, Tarahn, Lavender, Rodion, Shiron, Gladion, Isidora, Arctozolt, Silver, Espurr, Ridley, Lyle, Laura, Felin, Leaf, Clover
Tags: Voice, Plot, Worldbuilding
Word count: 22.0k