Heartache RPG

Scene Log

Here you can view a log of scenes in Heartache, searchable by character and tags.

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Ch01: Gladion & Nova ~ Double or Nullthing

2023-09-03 - Traveller's Haus - Lobby - Completed

Nova and Gladion discuss their species, dimensional differences, public perceptions, and the making of decisions. There is also some context for the scene shortly above the starting post while the Traveller's Haus was a public scene.

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Logged by: Lyn

Characters: Nova, Gladion

Tags: None

Word count: 2.0k

Ch01: The Bulletin Board

2023-09-02 - Totally Normal Bulletin Board - Completed

Felin, Bellatrix, Kimiko, and Mhynt investigate a strange bulletin board that has gained notoriety after it appeared out of nowhere one day. After witnessing a live demonstration of how the board works, the four try to discuss how it might work and are left to wonder who is in charge of the board to begin with.

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Logged by: Inke

Characters: Kimiko, Felin, Bellatrix, Mhynt

Tags: Group, Sidequest, Worldbuilding

Word count: 5.9k

Ch01: Retail Therapy

2023-09-02 - Main Street - Completed

Some of the party go to the town's commercial district to shop around for clothes.

Local tailor, Spidops Lorenzo, is willing to take on Clover as an apprentice after she demonstrates her passion and skill with cloth.

He also allows the group to take some items of clothing for themselves in return for promising to model his finer outfits at the upcoming Grand Gala.

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Logged by: Jackie Cat

Characters: Corey, Archie, Kalas, Clover

Tags: Lorenzo, Social, Plot

Word count: 6.2k

Ch01: Welcome! Travellers From Beyond the Frontier

2023-09-02 - Traveller's Haus - Lobby - Completed

The group that appeared at Blaguarro Town arrive at Frontier Town late at night after a long journey. Finding the Traveller's Haus, a hotel run by a large colony of tandemaus and maushold (collectively called "maus"). Lucien also appears to hand in the paperwork regarding the players' lodging.

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Logged by: Inke

Characters: Gladion, Bellatrix, Dave, Nova

Tags: Lucien, Haus of Maus

Word count: 1.9k

Ch01: Meeting the Golett Courier

2023-09-02 - Scrivener's Library - Completed

Golett Gil, a courier for the Frontier Post, meets the group at their library lodgings. Gil cheerfully offers to answer any questions anyone might have, and also to let the group test their strength in an arm-wrestling contest—a contest they all lose miserably in spite of Gil having little combat training at all. After the party finishes up a bit of research, Gil escorts them safely from Little Scriven to Frontier Town.

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Logged by: Phoenixsong

Characters: Leaf, Ridley, Ghaspius, Andre, Espurr, Grace

Tags: Gil

Word count: 3.9k

Ch01: The Changing of the Guard

2023-08-29 - Fort Sunward - Completed

Steven and Prim plummet to the ground a short trip from Fort Sunward. They find Tyrfing there, who has seemingly been slumbering beneath the sands for a while, and who has lost his scabbard. They meet Aurelia, the fort's daytime guard, who describes the function and history of the fort to the newcomers and elucidates Sojaveña's political situation. They are brought to the fort, where a reticent Estelle reunites Tyrfing with his scabbard and offers board for the night before Prim, Steven and Tyrfing are warped to Frontier Town via Travel Orb.

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Logged by: kyeugh

Characters: Steven, Prim, Tyr

Tags: Estelle, Aurelia

Word count: 10.1k

Ch01: A Familiar Isolation

2023-08-27 - Brisa's Cabin - Completed

Koa and Nip arrive near an isolated cabin. There, they meet a Galvatula named Alejandro. He explains that the cabin belongs to a Bridal Escarpa, and points them in the direction of Frontier Town. Nip gives Koa a fishing lesson along the way.

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Logged by: Wind

Characters: Koa, Nip

Tags: Alejandro, Landing, Social

Word count: 6.8k

Ch01: When the Strangers Fell Into Town

2023-08-26 - Founder's Square - Completed

Several heroic spirits land in Frontier Town. Laura in the river, Arctozolt in a bank vault, Corey atop a water tower, Felin in a jail cell, and Nova in front of a photographer about to take a picture. Naturally this photo went straight to the Gazette for the morning's special edition.

After accumulating a fair number of stares, the group is approached by the town marshal, Prinplup Lucien, and a local doctor, Indeedee Drungfield. Lucien remains tightly reserved, but does offer to arrange rooms for the party at Traveller's Haus, a cheap hotel, on his own credit.

The group is soon joined by those of their number who had spawned in the Wanderin' Zera, and retires for the night soon after. Nobody is sure where the missing members of the Spirit Nexus group have gone.

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Logged by: Jackie Cat

Characters: Laura, Arctozolt, Corey, Felin, Kalas, Shiron, Nova

Tags: Lucien, Drungfield, Dayle, Plot

Word count: 17.5k

Ch01: Let's Drink To Heroism

2023-08-26 - The Wanderin' Zera - Completed

Astrid, Archie, Eco, Clover, Mhynt, & Kimiko land smack in the middle of a quaint bar, owned by a tyranitar named Gerome. They learn nothing of their missing companions, as only these six appear to have landed in the bar, but they do learn something else of interest, instead.

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Logged by: Seren

Characters: Kimiko, Eco, Archie, Mhynt, Astrid, Clover

Tags: Gerome, Plot, Dayle, Landing

Word count: 11.5k

Ch01: A Nice Time for a Siesta

2023-08-26 - Las Picaras Bandit Camp

Aige, Lavender, Lyle, Silver, Rodion, and Tarahn appeared unexpectedly out in the desert, giving a rude awakening to the Las Picaras gang that was camping nearby. After a tense initial meeting, the newcomers obtained some tattered clothes and whiled away the afternoon chatting and doing chores, but then woke up the following morning to find that the bandits had moved on.

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Logged by: Chibi

Characters: Silver, Lavender, Tarahn, Lyle, Rodion, Aige

Tags: Landing, Las Picaras

Word count: 11.1k+