Heartache RPG

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Ch02: Kotov Syndrome

2023-10-05 - Mayoral Residence – Ground Floor - Completed

With Ignatius defeated, discussion turns to what comes next. With the notebook taken from his saferoom as proof of his many crimes, Lucien solemnly places his own father under arrest. The party have no plan, and little time to make one, before a wagon scheduled to take jailhouse residents to 'Terminal Two' departs the very next night...

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Logged by: Jackie Cat

Characters: Laura, Leaf, Kimiko, Steven, Corey, Silver, Felin, Archie, Odette, Kalas, Wes, Gladion, Nip, Bellatrix, Mhynt, Dave, Koa, Ghaspius, Andre, Isidora

Tags: Post-Finale, Sonora, Lucien, Ignatius, Plot, Group

Word count: 8.5k

Ch01: Finale] ~ VS Ignatius

2023-10-02 - Mayoral Residence – Ground Floor - Completed

The vault team cavalry hurries downstairs just as Sonora stops fighting, bringing with them just the incriminating evidence she'd been hoping they would find. Ignatius dismisses the accusations against him and orders his heads of security, Rin and Raul, to arrest the party. The three scattered groups have to band together quickly in order to defeat the guards and the corrupt mayor.

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Logged by: Phoenixsong

Characters: Jade, Laura, Leaf, Kimiko, Steven, Corey, Silver, Ridley, Felin, Archie, Odette, Kalas, Wes, Gladion, Nip, Bellatrix, Mhynt, Dave, Koa, Lyle, Ghaspius, Rodion, Andre, Espurr, Nova, Isidora

Tags: Finale, Sonora, Rin, Las Picaras, Combat, Lucien, Ignatius, Plot, Raul

Word count: 16.5k

Ch01: Nova & Lucien at the Saloon

2023-09-24 - Sun Stone Saloon - Completed

Nova receives a correspondence from Lucien after getting in the black for his debts rather quickly. He meets the prinplup at the Saloon, where the subject of the mayor's offer to some of the others comes up...

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Logged by: Ambyssin

Characters: Nova

Tags: Lucien, Plot

Word count: 4.0k

Ch01: Nova meets with Lucien

2023-09-09 - Grand Station Construction Site - Completed

Nova meets Marshal Lucien to inquire about joining the railway construction team. Lucien presses Nova for more details about his species and the team's arrival. Nova employs some obfuscating bluff, but comes away learning there was once an Entropic Crisis that required a human to be summoned to help. He also learns of a Voice of the Desert, who may be responsible for summoning heroes in times of peril.

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Logged by: Ambyssin

Characters: Nova

Tags: Lucien

Word count: 1.9k

Ch01: Welcome! Travellers From Beyond the Frontier

2023-09-02 - Traveller's Haus - Lobby - Completed

The group that appeared at Blaguarro Town arrive at Frontier Town late at night after a long journey. Finding the Traveller's Haus, a hotel run by a large colony of tandemaus and maushold (collectively called "maus"). Lucien also appears to hand in the paperwork regarding the players' lodging.

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Logged by: Inke

Characters: Gladion, Bellatrix, Dave, Nova

Tags: Lucien, Haus of Maus

Word count: 1.9k

Ch01: When the Strangers Fell Into Town

2023-08-26 - Founder's Square - Completed

Several heroic spirits land in Frontier Town. Laura in the river, Arctozolt in a bank vault, Corey atop a water tower, Felin in a jail cell, and Nova in front of a photographer about to take a picture. Naturally this photo went straight to the Gazette for the morning's special edition.

After accumulating a fair number of stares, the group is approached by the town marshal, Prinplup Lucien, and a local doctor, Indeedee Drungfield. Lucien remains tightly reserved, but does offer to arrange rooms for the party at Traveller's Haus, a cheap hotel, on his own credit.

The group is soon joined by those of their number who had spawned in the Wanderin' Zera, and retires for the night soon after. Nobody is sure where the missing members of the Spirit Nexus group have gone.

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Logged by: Jackie Cat

Characters: Laura, Arctozolt, Corey, Felin, Kalas, Shiron, Nova

Tags: Lucien, Drungfield, Dayle, Plot

Word count: 17.5k