Here you can view a log of scenes in Heartache, searchable by character and tags.
2024-04-20 - Greenbough Empirical Orchards - Completed
Unseasonable windstorms have been damaging local fields. Ranger Xoco asks some Wayfarers to help her repair the damage, but the winds pick up again while they're working. The cause, a Saint known as the Roaming Cyclone, seems to have a bone to pick with the offworlders.
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Logged by: Phoenixsong
Characters: Koa, Dave, Steven
Tags: Xoco, Plot, Roaming Cyclone, Saints, Zapdos
Word count: 5.1k
2024-03-27 - Ranger Union HQ - Completed
A small group of the Wayfarers travel to the Ranger HQ to see Sybil's progress researching the Relic Stone and its curative properties. Archie Koa and Mhynt are able to be cured of their shadow infection inflicted by Alex, while Steven has an unusual reaction. The Wayfarers attempt to heal Lycanroc Leona's shadows and make some progress, but she will need time to fully heal...
Logged by: Tetra
Characters: Koa, Mhynt, Archie, Wes, Steven
Tags: Leona, Sybil, Relic Stone, Alexander, Saints, Plot, Shadows
Word count: 8.3k
2023-12-07 - Sun Stone Saloon - Completed
Nolan follows up with Steven to exchange information on Terminal Two. They discuss the Shadow voice, Saints, and the origin of Radiance. Odette makes a move to join the Covenant for the purposes of infiltration.
Logged by: Chibi
Characters: Odette, Laura, Steven
Tags: Nolan, Saints, Covenant, Plot, Shadows
Word count: 6.6k
2023-10-29 - Sanctum of Wishes - Completed
Laura, Koa, and Steven visit the Sanctum of Wishes and meet Ralsen, a traveling researcher from Landsverd who is searching for Legendaries in Sojaveña and dreams of meeting them one day.
Characters: Koa, Laura, Steven
Tags: Ralsen, Worldbuilding, Social, Lore, Saints
Word count: 5.4k
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