Heartache RPG

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Ch02: Kotov Syndrome

2023-10-05 - Mayoral Residence – Ground Floor - Completed

With Ignatius defeated, discussion turns to what comes next. With the notebook taken from his saferoom as proof of his many crimes, Lucien solemnly places his own father under arrest. The party have no plan, and little time to make one, before a wagon scheduled to take jailhouse residents to 'Terminal Two' departs the very next night...

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Logged by: Jackie Cat

Characters: Laura, Leaf, Kimiko, Steven, Corey, Silver, Felin, Archie, Odette, Kalas, Wes, Gladion, Nip, Bellatrix, Mhynt, Dave, Koa, Ghaspius, Andre, Isidora

Tags: Post-Finale, Sonora, Lucien, Ignatius, Plot, Group

Word count: 8.5k

Ch01: Finale] ~ VS Ignatius

2023-10-02 - Mayoral Residence – Ground Floor - Completed

The vault team cavalry hurries downstairs just as Sonora stops fighting, bringing with them just the incriminating evidence she'd been hoping they would find. Ignatius dismisses the accusations against him and orders his heads of security, Rin and Raul, to arrest the party. The three scattered groups have to band together quickly in order to defeat the guards and the corrupt mayor.

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Logged by: Phoenixsong

Characters: Jade, Laura, Leaf, Kimiko, Steven, Corey, Silver, Ridley, Felin, Archie, Odette, Kalas, Wes, Gladion, Nip, Bellatrix, Mhynt, Dave, Koa, Lyle, Ghaspius, Rodion, Andre, Espurr, Nova, Isidora

Tags: Finale, Sonora, Rin, Las Picaras, Combat, Lucien, Ignatius, Plot, Raul

Word count: 16.5k

Ch01: Finale] ~ VS Sonora

2023-09-29 - Mayoral Residence – Ground Floor - Completed

Sonora steals the show with her entrance, and Mayor Ignatius calmly orders the group to apprehend her. The party attempts to wear her down and drive her gang back out without handing her over to the mayor. Sonora uses the attention to call Ignatius out for his own misdeeds, and to stall for time while her Nexus allies searched for their goal upstairs...

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Logged by: Phoenixsong

Characters: Leaf, Steven, Corey, Archie, Kalas, Wes, Nip, Bellatrix, Mhynt, Dave, Koa, Andre

Tags: Sonora, Finale, Voice, Plot, Ignatius, Combat, Las Picaras

Word count: 13.5k

Ch01: Looking to the Future

2023-09-28 - Mayoral Residence – Ground Floor - Completed

The Grand Frontier Gala finally arrives, and some of the invited party members mill around in the main event, whether keeping an eye out for Sonora's group, preparing to help Sonora's group, or just trying to have a good/productive time. The atmosphere is tense as everyone waits for whatever's going to happen next.

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Logged by: Phoenixsong

Characters: Leaf, Steven, Corey, Archie, Odette, Kalas, Wes, Nip, Bellatrix, Mhynt, Dave, Koa, Andre, Nova, Isidora

Tags: Plot, Ignatius, Gerome

Word count: 4.9k

Ch01: The Girls Attempt to Commit Espionage

2023-09-26 - Mayoral Residence – Ground Floor - Completed

Three of the party go snooping around at the mayor's mansion prior to the Gala, hoping to get a better idea of security arrangements.

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Logged by: Jackie Cat

Characters: Laura, Bellatrix, Mhynt

Tags: Pawniard, Rin, Group, Plot

Word count: 3.0k

Ch01: The Politics of a Bounty

2023-09-22 - Traveller's Haus - Dining Hall - Completed

After the discussion with Mayor Ignatius, the group returns to the food hall of the Traveller's Haus where they discuss and theorise what to do regarding his request. Everyone seems to agree that hanging the Las Picaras is too extreme a punishment but it seems that not everyone can agree on the finer details...

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Logged by: Inke

Characters: Corey, Ridley, Archie, Odette, Wes, Nip, Bellatrix, Mhynt, Dave, Nova, Clover

Tags: Plot, Public, Group

Word count: 12.2k

Ch01: I'm Technically One Week Old

2023-09-16 - Frontier Gazette Offices - Completed

Mhynt goes for an interview. Her opening move: Teleport pranks.

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Logged by: Jackie Cat

Characters: Mhynt

Tags: Interview, Plot, Nathaniel

Word count: 3.6k

Ch01: Nova plants a Mhynt sprig

2023-09-07 - Totally Normal Bulletin Board - Completed

Nova hears about the mysterious bulletin board and goes to see it for himself. He finds Mhynt and her Personal Hydration Companion Bucket™. The two briefly discuss similar unfortunate circumstances back home before the board rotates out its postings. They're able to deduce someone is using Teleport to change around the board.

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Logged by: Ambyssin

Characters: Mhynt, Nova

Tags: None

Word count: 3.1k

Ch01: The Bulletin Board

2023-09-02 - Totally Normal Bulletin Board - Completed

Felin, Bellatrix, Kimiko, and Mhynt investigate a strange bulletin board that has gained notoriety after it appeared out of nowhere one day. After witnessing a live demonstration of how the board works, the four try to discuss how it might work and are left to wonder who is in charge of the board to begin with.

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Logged by: Inke

Characters: Kimiko, Felin, Bellatrix, Mhynt

Tags: Group, Sidequest, Worldbuilding

Word count: 5.9k

Ch01: Let's Drink To Heroism

2023-08-26 - The Wanderin' Zera - Completed

Astrid, Archie, Eco, Clover, Mhynt, & Kimiko land smack in the middle of a quaint bar, owned by a tyranitar named Gerome. They learn nothing of their missing companions, as only these six appear to have landed in the bar, but they do learn something else of interest, instead.

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Logged by: Seren

Characters: Kimiko, Eco, Archie, Mhynt, Astrid, Clover

Tags: Gerome, Plot, Dayle, Landing

Word count: 11.5k