Heartache RPG

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Here you can view a log of scenes in Heartache, searchable by character and tags.

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Ch03: The First Team Meeting

2023-11-25 - Sun Stone Saloon - Completed

The team gathers together to discuss everything they've learned covering everything from Shadows to Radiance, the mysterious 'Coven' to the elusive 'Vanguard'. With a few detours for overdue naming of things.

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Logged by: Chibi

Characters: Jade, Laura, Arctozolt, Leaf, Kimiko, Steven, Silver, Ridley, Archie, Odette, Wes, Gladion, Bellatrix, Mhynt, Dave, Koa, Tarahn, Ghaspius, Andre, Espurr, Aige, Nova, Isidora

Tags: Shadows, Group, Plot, Covenant

Word count: 23.8k

Ch03: Paws n’ Jaws: Wes and Odette

2023-11-21 - Nina's Place - Completed

Prior to the big group meeting, and after their talk with Nolan, Odette and Wes run into each other at Nina's place. It's awkward at first, but after getting past their initial wariness of one another, they discover they actually have a lot to talk about.

Odette shares her theories about Shadow moves and the eerie dream she had with Wes, who confirms he also had an eerie dream after the wagon adventure. They hypothesize about what it might be.

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Logged by: Sinderella

Characters: Odette, Wes

Tags: Social

Word count: 7.7k

Ch02: Finale ~ An Adequately Reasoned Discussion

2023-11-09 - Industrial Park - Completed

After Dakota proposes a meeting with an associate of his, a group of offworlders go to meet an Inteleon auditor at the Industrial Park to discuss what he knows about Shadow Pokémon.

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Logged by: Dragonfree

Characters: Steven, Odette, Wes, Bellatrix, Dave, Andre, Aige

Tags: Nolan, Plot, Shadows, Covenant

Word count: 17.1k

Ch02: The Night Watch

2023-11-04 - Blaguarro Outskirts - Completed

Ridley, Odette, and Kimiko substitute for the missing night watch 'mon in Blaguarro. Hilarity (?) ensues.

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Logged by: Seren

Characters: Kimiko, Ridley, Odette

Tags: Sidequest, Plot

Word count: 8.4k

Ch02: The Train at Dawn

2023-10-26 - Main Station - Completed

A group travel to Blaguarro Town and receive a warm welcome from its inhabitants.

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Logged by: Hap

Characters: Kimiko, Ridley, Odette, Wes, Bellatrix, Dave, Astrid, Andre, Isidora

Tags: Ryder, Jaak, Anite

Word count: 10.1k

Ch02: Little Queens [Kimiko & Odette]

2023-10-19 - Sun Stone Saloon - Completed

Kimiko overhears music from her world and investigates out of curiosity, has a friendly chat with Odette, then worms her way into a job.

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Logged by: Seren

Characters: Kimiko, Odette

Tags: Greasewood

Word count: 7.4k

Ch02: A Familiar, Friendly Face

2023-10-09 - Grand Station Construction Site - Completed

After causing a ruckus in Frontier Town, Jaak tries to speak to the workers at the Grand Station construction site about the status of the rail. A group of offworlders, either curious or caught up in the commotion, check out what's going on. There, they learn that there is trouble in Blaguarro Town with "Witching Beasts" and a train had been derailed further east. Learning of this, the group begins to plan about what they want to do about Blaguarro Town...

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Logged by: Inke

Characters: Kimiko, Eco, Ridley, Odette, Wes, Dave, Ghaspius, Aige

Tags: Plot, Jaak

Word count: 6.2k

Ch02: After Hours Chat

2023-10-09 - Sun Stone Saloon - Completed

After a rough set, Odette finishes off work for the night and asks Greasewood if he needs any help closing up. Greasewood notices she's a little strung out, and offers her a drink. The two end up discussing life and the monkey wrenches that get thrown into it.

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Logged by: Sinderella

Characters: Odette

Tags: Greasewood, Social

Word count: 3.7k

Ch02: Kotov Syndrome

2023-10-05 - Mayoral Residence – Ground Floor - Completed

With Ignatius defeated, discussion turns to what comes next. With the notebook taken from his saferoom as proof of his many crimes, Lucien solemnly places his own father under arrest. The party have no plan, and little time to make one, before a wagon scheduled to take jailhouse residents to 'Terminal Two' departs the very next night...

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Logged by: Jackie Cat

Characters: Laura, Leaf, Kimiko, Steven, Corey, Silver, Felin, Archie, Odette, Kalas, Wes, Gladion, Nip, Bellatrix, Mhynt, Dave, Koa, Ghaspius, Andre, Isidora

Tags: Post-Finale, Sonora, Lucien, Ignatius, Plot, Group

Word count: 8.5k

Ch01: Finale] ~ VS Ignatius

2023-10-02 - Mayoral Residence – Ground Floor - Completed

The vault team cavalry hurries downstairs just as Sonora stops fighting, bringing with them just the incriminating evidence she'd been hoping they would find. Ignatius dismisses the accusations against him and orders his heads of security, Rin and Raul, to arrest the party. The three scattered groups have to band together quickly in order to defeat the guards and the corrupt mayor.

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Logged by: Phoenixsong

Characters: Jade, Laura, Leaf, Kimiko, Steven, Corey, Silver, Ridley, Felin, Archie, Odette, Kalas, Wes, Gladion, Nip, Bellatrix, Mhynt, Dave, Koa, Lyle, Ghaspius, Rodion, Andre, Espurr, Nova, Isidora

Tags: Finale, Sonora, Rin, Las Picaras, Combat, Lucien, Ignatius, Plot, Raul

Word count: 16.5k