Heartache RPG

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Here you can view a log of scenes in Heartache, searchable by character and tags.

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Ch04: Little Scriven Expedition

2024-01-27 - Frontier Town Outskirts - Completed

In order to help stabilize dungeons and strengthen Betel's connection, several Wayfarers venture towards Little Scriven to setup an anchor in their distortion. Along the way, they find that Cipher has been laying traps along the way hoping to track them down. It seems they're aware of the Wayfarers' recent activities...

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Logged by: Minty

Characters: Archie, Gladion, Ghaspius, Andre

Tags: Plot, Sidequest, Expedition

Word count: 5.4k

Ch04: Grovyle Mhynt

2024-01-20 - Frontier Town Outskirts - Completed

Andre discovers a recently-evolved Mhynt, who seems distraught over her new (old) form, and takes her mind off things by talking about this and that.

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Logged by: canis

Characters: Mhynt, Andre

Tags: Social, Whump

Word count: 3.1k

Ch03: Finale ~ The Warpath Ahead

2024-01-06 - Escarpa Clan Camp - Completed

Halcón and Pyrrin lead a group of Wayfarers to the current Escarpa camp. They inform Chieftain Sierra of what they know about Brisa and the Shadow threat. Sierra is willing to hear them out, but also warns that she already has warriors en route to destroy part of the rail line. If the Wayfarers really feel that strongly about the rail's destruction, they'll have to race out and do something about it.

The remaining Wayfarers stick around to discuss the Shadow situation and what Sierra knows about Radiance.

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Logged by: Phoenixsong

Characters: Jade, Kimiko, Felin, Gladion, Bellatrix, Prim, Mhynt, Dave, Ghaspius, Andre, Isidora

Tags: Sierra, Halcon, Plot, Wandering Light, Finale, Shadows, Escarpa

Word count: 16.7k

Ch03: Can't Run From Your Shadow [Andre & Mhynt]

2023-12-23 - Civic Courtyard - Completed

Andre and Mhynt discuss Owen and Alex. Andre discovers Mhynt knows Alex from her home world and that he seems to be very, very bad news.

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Logged by: canis

Characters: Mhynt, Andre

Tags: Owen, Alexander

Word count: 1.9k

Ch03: Bird Watching

2023-12-11 - Main Street - Completed

The Wayfarers listen to the gossiping caws of the local Murkrow to catch wind of the Escarpa clan's latest activity... and a plan to lock down the town of Blaguarro. A Houndoom scout will be arriving at dawn the next day, so the group must mobilize quickly.

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Logged by: Chibi

Characters: Odette, Bellatrix, Ghaspius, Andre, Espurr

Tags: Escarpa, Murkrow, Plot

Word count: 2.7k

Ch03: Muzzles and Murderers

2023-12-05 - Industrial Park - Completed

Andre and Odette bump into Alex and ask him a few questions.

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Logged by: canis

Characters: Odette, Andre

Tags: Alex

Word count: 3.9k

Ch03: The First Team Meeting

2023-11-25 - Sun Stone Saloon - Completed

The team gathers together to discuss everything they've learned covering everything from Shadows to Radiance, the mysterious 'Coven' to the elusive 'Vanguard'. With a few detours for overdue naming of things.

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Logged by: Chibi

Characters: Jade, Laura, Arctozolt, Leaf, Kimiko, Steven, Silver, Ridley, Archie, Odette, Wes, Gladion, Bellatrix, Mhynt, Dave, Koa, Tarahn, Ghaspius, Andre, Espurr, Aige, Nova, Isidora

Tags: Shadows, Group, Plot, Covenant

Word count: 23.8k

Ch02: Finale ~ An Adequately Reasoned Discussion

2023-11-09 - Industrial Park - Completed

After Dakota proposes a meeting with an associate of his, a group of offworlders go to meet an Inteleon auditor at the Industrial Park to discuss what he knows about Shadow Pokémon.

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Logged by: Dragonfree

Characters: Steven, Odette, Wes, Bellatrix, Dave, Andre, Aige

Tags: Nolan, Plot, Shadows, Covenant

Word count: 17.1k

Ch02: Suspicious Lurkers

2023-11-04 - Abandoned District - Completed

A small group goes to investigate the west side of town after hearing of sightings of suspicious pokémon out in the area. There they not only encounter one of the pokémon, the zweilous Alex, but also manage to find where the wagons are hidden after use and an entrance to a network of underground tunnels.

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Logged by: Inke

Characters: Bellatrix, Astrid, Andre, Isidora

Tags: Alex, Sidequest, Plot

Word count: 4.6k

Ch02: The Train at Dawn

2023-10-26 - Main Station - Completed

A group travel to Blaguarro Town and receive a warm welcome from its inhabitants.

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Logged by: Hap

Characters: Kimiko, Ridley, Odette, Wes, Bellatrix, Dave, Astrid, Andre, Isidora

Tags: Ryder, Jaak, Anite

Word count: 10.1k