Heartache RPG

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Ch01: Finale] ~ VS Ignatius

2023-10-02 - Mayoral Residence – Ground Floor - Completed

The vault team cavalry hurries downstairs just as Sonora stops fighting, bringing with them just the incriminating evidence she'd been hoping they would find. Ignatius dismisses the accusations against him and orders his heads of security, Rin and Raul, to arrest the party. The three scattered groups have to band together quickly in order to defeat the guards and the corrupt mayor.

Logged by: Phoenixsong

Characters: Koa, Jade, Mhynt, Kimiko, Bellatrix, Corey, Odette, Archie, Nova, Kalas, Wes, Steven, Nip, Andre, Ghaspius, Dave, Rodion, Gladion, Isidora, Silver, Espurr, Ridley, Lyle, Laura, Felin, Leaf

Tags: Finale, Sonora, Rin, Las Picaras, Combat, Lucien, Ignatius, Plot, Raul

Word count: 16.5k

Public notes

Phase 2 of the Ch1 Finale boss fight. The group who helped break into the vault faced off against Raul; the group who'd protected the guests in the courtyard challenged Rin; and the group who had previously been stalling Sonora turned on Ignatius. With the guards out of the picture, everyone was able to work together to bring Ignatius to his knees.

- Phoenixsong