Heartache RPG

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Here you can view a log of scenes in Heartache, searchable by character and tags.

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Ch03: Finale ~ Dancing In the Moonlight

2024-01-06 - Frontier Town Outskirts - Completed

At Lucien's request, a group sets out to track down Seth Lycas, the Wolf, to learn more about his control over shadows and—if necessary—apprehend him. He manages to surprise them instead, and he's prepared for a fight. The Wayfarers are eventually able to bring Seth down, but Wes's heightened anger and frustration drives him into a frenzy.

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Logged by: Phoenixsong

Characters: Leaf, Steven, Ridley, Archie, Odette, Wes, Koa, Astrid, Nova

Tags: The Wolf, Seth, Finale, Shadows, Plot, Combat, Betel

Word count: 39.2k

Ch03: A Risky Venture

2023-12-09 - Frontier Town Outskirts - Completed

Wes and Archie venture into the outskirts to get a better signal when attempting to communicate with the mysterious "Shadow voice"... only to have a harrowing encounter with The Wolf, who turns out to be more familiar than they would have guessed. [More info in notes]

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Logged by: Rex

Characters: Archie, Wes

Tags: Shadows, Seth, The Wolf, Plot

Word count: 10.6k