Heartache RPG

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Ch02: The Wagon at Witching Hour

2023-10-13 - Dusty Highway - Completed

After learning about mysterious wagons moving Pokémon no one would miss at Ignatius's behest towards 'Terminal 2' near Blaguarro, Andre, Dave, Koa, Ridley and Wes volunteer to go on a scouting mission to find out where the wagons are going. They get more than they bargained for when the wagon is attacked midway by one of the 'Witching Beasts' that Jaak described.

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Logged by: Dragonfree

Characters: Jade, Laura, Ridley, Wes, Dave, Koa, Andre

Tags: Sonora, Prison wagon Mudsdale, Prison wagon Rattata, Las Picaras, Plot

Word count: 14.4k