Heartache RPG

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Here you can view a log of scenes in Heartache, searchable by character and tags.

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Ch02: A Rogues' Holiday (Rodion & Sonora)

2023-10-31 - Founder's Square - Completed

Rodion and Sonora visit Frontier Town's main square during Autumn Crossing.

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Logged by: Virgil

Characters: Rodion

Tags: Autumn Crossing, Sonora

Word count: 1.6k

Ch02: Wandering Swords

2023-10-22 - Founder's Square - Completed

Two wandering warriors from Tsainan cause a scene by bathing in the public fountain. Samurott Kyoko and Golisopod Ibuki are searching for their charge, Kotetsu, who happens to be the same bisharp who accosted Prim in Nina's Place. Kotetsu is still upset that he's been exiled from his home and sent on a wild goose chase, and the Wayfarers look like a fine opportunity to let his frustration out in battle.

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Logged by: Phoenixsong

Characters: Leaf, Felin, Prim, Mhynt

Tags: Kotetsu, Saint of Victory, Samurai, Combat, Ibuki, Kyoko

Word count: 10.9k

Ch02: Hippity Hoppity This Cryptid Is Mystery Plottery

2023-10-19 - Founder's Square - Completed

The strange nidoran from the library has been spotted around Frontier Town lately. Ghaspius and Leaf (and later Isidora) run into him while he's out running errands, and tag along to see what he's been getting up to.

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Logged by: Phoenixsong

Characters: Leaf, Ghaspius, Isidora

Tags: Group, Strange Nidoran, Plot

Word count: 5.4k

Ch01: Clandestine Collaborations

2023-09-22 - Founder's Square - Completed

After the discussion with Sonora, Laura stands in the Square in the middle of the night hoping to let the others know about the mission she offered. Instead, a disagreement arises about the nature of justice, the trustworthiness of Las Picaras and the mayor, and how much the group can really do with their limited capabilities...

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Logged by: Minty

Characters: Laura, Felin, Koa, Ghaspius, Nova, Isidora

Tags: Group, Public, Plot

Word count: 3.8k

Ch01: Two Mon of Kalosian Blood

2023-09-12 - Founder's Square - Completed

Andre and Odette meet at Founder's Square and get to know each other. As Andre vents about his dexterity problems, Odette offers dexterity training, and also to buy him a drink at the Sun Stone Saloon sometime. It seems the two get along well.

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Logged by: canis

Characters: Odette, Andre

Tags: None

Word count: 4.4k

Ch01: Two Criminals Converse

2023-09-09 - Founder's Square - Completed

Andre and Gladion discuss the subject of Crimes(tm) and morality. Andre wonders what qualifies him as a hero, but Gladion mostly assumes Andre is simply judging him.

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Logged by: Lyn

Characters: Gladion, Andre

Tags: None

Word count: 1.6k

Ch01: Cats and Cats' People

2023-09-05 - Founder's Square - Completed

Laura sits alone, feeling overwhelmed. Tarahn approaches her, unsure of what's going on. They make friends, and Laura realises that the party's composition has more to it than power and experience.

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Logged by: Jackie Cat

Characters: Tarahn, Laura

Tags: Social

Word count: 2.1k

Ch01: Arctozolt and Gladion: Chimera to Chimera Communication

2023-09-04 - Founder's Square - Completed

Wherein Arctozolt and Gladion largely just bicker with each other for a bit.

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Logged by: Lyn

Characters: Gladion, Arctozolt

Tags: None

Word count: 835

Ch01: When the Strangers Fell Into Town

2023-08-26 - Founder's Square - Completed

Several heroic spirits land in Frontier Town. Laura in the river, Arctozolt in a bank vault, Corey atop a water tower, Felin in a jail cell, and Nova in front of a photographer about to take a picture. Naturally this photo went straight to the Gazette for the morning's special edition.

After accumulating a fair number of stares, the group is approached by the town marshal, Prinplup Lucien, and a local doctor, Indeedee Drungfield. Lucien remains tightly reserved, but does offer to arrange rooms for the party at Traveller's Haus, a cheap hotel, on his own credit.

The group is soon joined by those of their number who had spawned in the Wanderin' Zera, and retires for the night soon after. Nobody is sure where the missing members of the Spirit Nexus group have gone.

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Logged by: Jackie Cat

Characters: Laura, Arctozolt, Corey, Felin, Kalas, Shiron, Nova

Tags: Lucien, Drungfield, Dayle, Plot

Word count: 17.5k