Here you can view a log of scenes in Heartache, searchable by character and tags.
2024-02-06 - Founder's Square - Completed
A chance encounter in Founder's Square with Archie and Leaf proves to be the last nudge needed for Nova's mask to fall off.
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Logged by: Ambyssin
Characters: Archie, Leaf, Nova
Tags: Social
Word count: 6.0k
2024-02-03 - Scrivener's Library - Completed
The Little Scriven expedition Wayfarers meet with Mayor Enubel. She tells them that they're setting up an Offworlder-themed festival in town and would like the Wayfarers to contribute - offering to match anything they ask for and is highly interested in their stories (Sidequest). She then directs them to where the dungeon is in town (Plot).
Logged by: Minty
Characters: Archie, Andre, Ghaspius, Gladion
Tags: Plot, Sidequest, Expedition
Word count: 1.3k
2024-02-02 - Northern Badlands - Completed
Round one! The Wayfarers crash the fiends' camp and face off against a rowdy goblin horde and Morgrem Sophie.
Logged by: Chibi
Characters: Archie, Gladion, Astrid
Tags: Combat, Fiends
Word count: 5.6k
2024-01-27 - Frontier Town Outskirts - Completed
In order to help stabilize dungeons and strengthen Betel's connection, several Wayfarers venture towards Little Scriven to setup an anchor in their distortion. Along the way, they find that Cipher has been laying traps along the way hoping to track them down. It seems they're aware of the Wayfarers' recent activities...
Word count: 5.4k
2024-01-24 - Traveller's Haus - Dining Hall - Completed
Dave, Archie and Koa talk at breakfast, where Archie and Koa inform Dave about what happened with Alexander and Seth.
Logged by: Dragonfree
Characters: Archie, Koa, Dave
Tags: Social, Bluex2
Word count: 9.0k
2024-01-19 - Dreams - Completed
The Shadow voice reveals himself to be Powehi, the Forlasan Dark Matter and the ancient embodiment of all negativity. He explains that too many offworld souls intruding on Forlas at once is straining the integrity of the world, and that the longer the Wayfarers remain, the more the rifts in reality will expand.
Characters: Koa, Jade, Mhynt, Kimiko, Odette, Archie, Nova, Wes, Steven, Ghaspius, Dave, Isidora, Silver, Ridley, Laura, Felin, Grace
Tags: Shadows, Plot, Worldbuilding, Group, Powehi
Word count: 9.3k
2024-01-06 - Frontier Town Outskirts - Completed
At Lucien's request, a group sets out to track down Seth Lycas, the Wolf, to learn more about his control over shadows and—if necessary—apprehend him. He manages to surprise them instead, and he's prepared for a fight. The Wayfarers are eventually able to bring Seth down, but Wes's heightened anger and frustration drives him into a frenzy.
Logged by: Phoenixsong
Characters: Koa, Odette, Archie, Nova, Wes, Steven, Astrid, Ridley, Leaf
Tags: The Wolf, Seth, Finale, Shadows, Plot, Combat, Betel, Boss Fight
Word count: 39.2k
2023-12-24 - Silver Ravine Mystery Dungeon - Completed
Archie and Koa meet with Alex near the ravine to ask him about his power over Shadows. He calls attention to how easily the pair might have willingly walked to their deaths in such a secluded spot... but then uses their apparent vulnerability to make a point about how they will need to master the power of darkness in order to oppose the organization responsible for the Shadow Pokemon.
Logged by: Rex
Characters: Archie, Koa
Tags: Betel, Shadows, Alex, Plot, Bluex2
Word count: 9.9k
2023-12-23 - Greenbough Empirical Orchards - Completed
In which Archie speedruns all of Steven's triggers. It's an any% world record, and the reward is anxiety!
Characters: Archie, Steven
Tags: None
Word count: 5.2k
2023-12-22 - Totally Normal Bulletin Board - Completed
Archie heads to the bulletin board and stumbles upon Nova sleeping in the outskirts of the small tent community formed around it. After (unsuccessfully) attempting to get Nova to return to town, Archie explains what he's been up to the interim. Nova also describes some stuff about Mew and Mewtwo and his working with them, despite not directly naming them. He also offers Archie some theories about Shadow power, with the caveat they're based on his experiences back home.
Characters: Archie, Nova
Word count: 5.7k
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