Heartache RPG

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Here you can view a log of scenes in Heartache, searchable by character and tags.

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Ch01: Meeting the Golett Courier

2023-09-02 - Scrivener's Library - Completed

Golett Gil, a courier for the Frontier Post, meets the group at their library lodgings. Gil cheerfully offers to answer any questions anyone might have, and also to let the group test their strength in an arm-wrestling contest—a contest they all lose miserably in spite of Gil having little combat training at all. After the party finishes up a bit of research, Gil escorts them safely from Little Scriven to Frontier Town.

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Logged by: Phoenixsong

Characters: Andre, Ghaspius, Espurr, Ridley, Leaf, Grace

Tags: Gil

Word count: 3.9k

Ch01: Wow, You're Out of This World!

2023-08-26 - Luminious Square - Completed

Andre, Espurr, Ghaspius, Grace, Leaf, and Ridley arrive suddenly in the workshop of inventor Spinda Gare. Once Gare gets over their accidental intrusion—and the mess they'd made of all his plans and paperwork—he explains that they've landed in idyllic Little Scriven, and directs the group to Masquerain Amelia's general store.

While Amelia offers some spare clothing, Mayor Altaria Enubel and her assistant Swellow Torria burst in, drawn by the commotion of the group's sudden arrival. Enubel is eager to learn more about these "strange heroes from other worlds" and bombards them with questions and information, although the more level-headed Amelia and Torria chalk their appearance up to a dungeon mishap.

The group is permitted to sleep in the library overnight, and in the morning are met by a courier who will escort them to Frontier Town...

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Logged by: Phoenixsong

Characters: Andre, Ghaspius, Espurr, Ridley, Leaf, Grace

Tags: Torria, Enubel, Gare, Amelia, Landing

Word count: 9.2k

Ch01: A Call for Help, A Gathering of Souls

2023-08-25 - Forlas Spirit Nexus - Completed

Everyone appears at the Spirit Nexus, a place between worlds, where they have been summoned by a naïve, sparkling cloud-entity (dubbed "Voice" by Ghaspius). The Voice explains that the PCs have been sent in response to a call for help that they relayed from an unknown human hero, and that they need to save a world known as Forlas from some unknown crisis that threatens it.

The Voice answers their many questions and builds fresh new bodies for the PCs. All human PCs turn into Pokémon before they can enter Forlas, becoming a species that resonates with their soul in one or another way.

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Logged by: Dragonfree

Characters: Koa, Jade, Mhynt, Kimiko, Tyr, Bellatrix, Corey, Eco, Archie, Nova, Kalas, Wes, Steven, Nip, Andre, Ghaspius, Prim, Dave, Tarahn, Lavender, Rodion, Shiron, Gladion, Isidora, Arctozolt, Silver, Espurr, Ridley, Lyle, Laura, Felin, Leaf, Clover

Tags: Voice, Plot, Worldbuilding

Word count: 22.0k