Heartache RPG

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Ch03: So Who Even Are the Rangers, Anyway?

2023-12-16 - Sand Veil Archives - Completed

Isidora goes to the Sand Devil Archives to do research on the Ranger Union. Little does she know, the librarian Gliscor Tlalli has a lot of experience and plenty to teach.

Logged by: JFought

Characters: Isidora

Tags: Tlalli, Ranger Union, Social

Word count: 3.7k

Public notes

Isidora's notes (written in Liberian script):

Protect civilians. Keep travellers safe. Rural focus.

Organised towards specific role. Popular enough to be glorified. Spreads influence

Like Red Claw? No. Benign? Yes.

Not request based. North limit - Tundra. South limit - Old border. West limit - Coast. East limit - Mining town. Volunteer organisation. Little pay. Subsides off of donations from communities. Weak relationship with government.

The Ranger Union (RANGER UNION) is an independent volunteer organisation that seeks to protect the communities within its sphere of influence. Rangers patrol areas and work to protect and advise travellers so as to keep the roads safe and minimise their dangers. Their work is proactive: they seek to anticipate and prevent danger before it can happen, and organise so as to dispense aid to the communities most in need. They primarily subside off of spoils from mystery dungeons and donations from the communities they protect. They do not ask directly for funds or supplies except for in emergencies. As a fully independent organisation, they do not have strong ties to the governments of this land, though they do communicate and sometimes coordinate with local peacekeepers. These agreements can and do have an effect on where the Rangers decide to allocate their resources, as they prefer to focus on rural areas that are unable to fend for themselves. Due to their agreement with the previous mayor, their presence in Frontier Town was light as a result.

- JFought