Heartache RPG

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Ch01: The Changing of the Guard

2023-08-29 - Fort Sunward - Completed

Steven and Prim plummet to the ground a short trip from Fort Sunward. They find Tyrfing there, who has seemingly been slumbering beneath the sands for a while, and who has lost his scabbard. They meet Aurelia, the fort's daytime guard, who describes the function and history of the fort to the newcomers and elucidates Sojaveña's political situation. They are brought to the fort, where a reticent Estelle reunites Tyrfing with his scabbard and offers board for the night before Prim, Steven and Tyrfing are warped to Frontier Town via Travel Orb.

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Logged by: kyeugh

Characters: Steven, Prim, Tyr

Tags: Estelle, Aurelia

Word count: 10.1k