Heartache RPG

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Here you can view a log of scenes in Heartache, searchable by character and tags.

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Ch01: The Dog and Other Rock

2023-09-07 - The Wanderin' Zera - Completed

Dave goes out to the Wanderin' Zera for drinks and to speak to Gerome about his warnings regarding people revealing their humanity and is then joined by Wes. Gerome tells them about the human supremacist group and about Brisa, half-human daughter of the chief of the Escarpa Clan, while Wes and Dave share a bit about their background.

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Logged by: Dragonfree

Characters: Wes, Dave

Tags: Gerome, Plot

Word count: 8.3k

Ch01: Westward

2023-09-05 - Continental Rail, East Commonwealth - Completed

Brisa and Jade board the train after making a harrowing escape from some secret location, where Jade seems to have suddenly appeared. The two chat for a bit before realizing that their pursuer has followed them aboard. After a quick battle, Brisa makes the snap decision to disconnect the rearmost car and hold him off, leaving Jade to continue westward alone.

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Logged by: Chibi

Characters: Jade

Tags: Landing, Plot, Combat, Brisa

Word count: 3.6k

Ch01: Retail Therapy

2023-09-02 - Main Street - Completed

Some of the party go to the town's commercial district to shop around for clothes.

Local tailor, Spidops Lorenzo, is willing to take on Clover as an apprentice after she demonstrates her passion and skill with cloth.

He also allows the group to take some items of clothing for themselves in return for promising to model his finer outfits at the upcoming Grand Gala.

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Logged by: Jackie Cat

Characters: Corey, Archie, Kalas, Clover

Tags: Lorenzo, Social, Plot

Word count: 6.2k

Ch01: When the Strangers Fell Into Town

2023-08-26 - Founder's Square - Completed

Several heroic spirits land in Frontier Town. Laura in the river, Arctozolt in a bank vault, Corey atop a water tower, Felin in a jail cell, and Nova in front of a photographer about to take a picture. Naturally this photo went straight to the Gazette for the morning's special edition.

After accumulating a fair number of stares, the group is approached by the town marshal, Prinplup Lucien, and a local doctor, Indeedee Drungfield. Lucien remains tightly reserved, but does offer to arrange rooms for the party at Traveller's Haus, a cheap hotel, on his own credit.

The group is soon joined by those of their number who had spawned in the Wanderin' Zera, and retires for the night soon after. Nobody is sure where the missing members of the Spirit Nexus group have gone.

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Logged by: Jackie Cat

Characters: Corey, Nova, Kalas, Shiron, Arctozolt, Laura, Felin

Tags: Lucien, Drungfield, Dayle, Plot

Word count: 17.5k

Ch01: Let's Drink To Heroism

2023-08-26 - The Wanderin' Zera - Completed

Astrid, Archie, Eco, Clover, Mhynt, & Kimiko land smack in the middle of a quaint bar, owned by a tyranitar named Gerome. They learn nothing of their missing companions, as only these six appear to have landed in the bar, but they do learn something else of interest, instead.

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Logged by: Seren

Characters: Mhynt, Kimiko, Eco, Archie, Astrid, Clover

Tags: Gerome, Plot, Dayle, Landing

Word count: 11.5k

Ch01: Destiny in a Construction Site

2023-08-26 - Blaguarro Outskirts - Completed

Dave, Odette, Isidora, Wes, Gladion and Bellatrix land in the outskirts of Blaguarro Town. There they meet three construction workers, Erva the Skarmory, Ryder the Gabite, and Jaak the Vigoroth (disparaged by the others as a city boy), who are initially hostile. In the end, however, Jaak, who becomes especially friendly when he learns some of the PCs are humans, assists them in stowing away on a cargo train to Frontier Town and helps them pilfer some extra-fancy clothes.

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Logged by: Dragonfree

Characters: Bellatrix, Odette, Wes, Dave, Isidora, Gladion

Tags: Landing, Ryder, Plot, Worldbuilding, Jaak, Erva

Word count: 23.1k

Ch01: A Call for Help, A Gathering of Souls

2023-08-25 - Forlas Spirit Nexus - Completed

Everyone appears at the Spirit Nexus, a place between worlds, where they have been summoned by a naïve, sparkling cloud-entity (dubbed "Voice" by Ghaspius). The Voice explains that the PCs have been sent in response to a call for help that they relayed from an unknown human hero, and that they need to save a world known as Forlas from some unknown crisis that threatens it.

The Voice answers their many questions and builds fresh new bodies for the PCs. All human PCs turn into Pokémon before they can enter Forlas, becoming a species that resonates with their soul in one or another way.

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Logged by: Dragonfree

Characters: Koa, Jade, Mhynt, Kimiko, Tyr, Bellatrix, Corey, Eco, Archie, Nova, Kalas, Wes, Steven, Nip, Andre, Prim, Ghaspius, Dave, Tarahn, Lavender, Rodion, Shiron, Isidora, Gladion, Arctozolt, Silver, Espurr, Ridley, Lyle, Laura, Felin, Leaf, Clover

Tags: Voice, Plot, Worldbuilding

Word count: 22.0k