Heartache RPG

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Ch01: Clandestine Collaborations

2023-09-22 - Founder's Square - Completed

After the discussion with Sonora, Laura stands in the Square in the middle of the night hoping to let the others know about the mission she offered. Instead, a disagreement arises about the nature of justice, the trustworthiness of Las Picaras and the mayor, and how much the group can really do with their limited capabilities...

Logged by: Minty

Characters: Koa, Nova, Ghaspius, Isidora, Laura, Felin

Tags: Group, Public, Plot

Word count: 3.8k

Public notes

Ghaspius's standpoint is that he doesn't believe someone should be hanged for theft, and that they should try to stop Sonora from going or shoo her away before she gets caught.

Nova's standpoint is that the group is too powerless to make much meaningful difference without making enemies of far more powerful folk, and they should just stay out of it entirely.

Koa's standpoint is that criminals are bad people and helping them is wrong. It seems to be related to how straightforward his world worked.

Laura just wants to get everyone on the same page, but between the lack of communication, their group splintering and agreeing to help one faction or the other, and the clash of egos ongoing between everyone else, she's at a loss as to what to do. She doesn't fully trust either side, but knows she can't just sit idly by either when the rest of the group is marching into danger.

Felin believes there needs to be more group cohesion, and this mission is one they do not have enough for.

Isidora feels uncertain, threatened, and overwhelmed. Her stance is unclear, but leaning towards abstaining.

- Minty