Heartache RPG

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Ch01: Welcome! Travellers From Beyond the Frontier

2023-09-02 - Traveller's Haus - Lobby - Completed

The group that appeared at Blaguarro Town arrive at Frontier Town late at night after a long journey. Finding the Traveller's Haus, a hotel run by a large colony of tandemaus and maushold (collectively called "maus"). Lucien also appears to hand in the paperwork regarding the players' lodging.

Logged by: Inke

Characters: Bellatrix, Nova, Dave, Gladion

Tags: Lucien, Haus of Maus

Word count: 1.9k

Public notes

- Leads directly into Double or Nullthing.
- The maus don't seem to speak much, everyone just seems to roll with it.

- Inke