Heartache RPG

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Ch06: Shipyard Rumors

2024-08-05 - Copperridge Wharf

Jade and some friends arrive in Novelux to ask about the train that derailed a few months back, hoping that someone will know what might've happened to Brisa Escarpa.

Logged by: Phoenixsong

Characters: Laura, Leaf, Jade, Dave

Tags: Brisa, Plot

Word count: 4.3k+

Public notes

* The group meets some railworkers, most of whom are reticent at first but loosen up eventually. They did the cleanup work on the derailed train car.
* The official line is the car decoupled due to old/faulty parts and no one was aboard when it happened. The railworkers don't buy it. They saw signs of a fight between extremely powerful pokémon, including an electric-type and some ground-type attacks (though they haven't seen any luxio, i.e., Brisa wasn't there when they arrived).
* At a minimum, the railroad higher-ups don't want to give travelers the impression that anyone might be attacking the trains; most of the workers suspect organized crime or possibly terrorism. According to them/miscellaneous conspiracy theories, it could be any of Team Miror, the Vanguard, a local mafia (possibly in collusion with the Barovelt Group), or who knows what else. They don't seem to know anything about the Covenant.

- Phoenixsong