Heartache RPG

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Ch01: Leaf's Lucrative Library Visit

2023-09-15 - Sand Veil Archives - Completed

Leaf meets a strange, nonverbal nidoran in Frontier Town's library. All he seems to want is to look at books with pretty pictures, although the staff are suspicious of his not-quite-sapient behavior. Leaf does her best to help him out and learn a little more about him, but is left with more questions than answers.

Logged by: Phoenixsong

Characters: Leaf

Tags: Strange Nidoran

Word count: 2.5k

Public notes

Info learned:
• The watchog librarian thought the nidoran might be an "intelligent feral", and his mannerisms don't quite match up with either fully-sapient or fully-wild pokémon. He seemed to understand Leaf well enough when she spoke, but couldn't manage any words (or names) in turn.
• The nidoran is apparently able to move or jump between distant places in the library very quickly, and seemed to disappear rather than leaving through any obvious exits.
• Shortly before he vanished, the nidoran gave Leaf a pretty but likely mundane red ribbon as thanks for the help.

- Phoenixsong