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2023-11-21 - Dusty Highway - Completed
Dave and Ridley go looking for the Voice and bump into each other while searching.
Logged by: Hap
Characters: Dave, Ridley
Tags: Plot
Word count: 4.6k
• The Voice truly does not know much about the hero nor why she wanted the group to be summoned to Forlas; only that she couldn’t handle whatever trouble she was encountering alone. Their contact was brief.• The Voice senses a stronger Shadow presence by the day.• The Voice is a Pokémon that exists in the Astral Plains and projects themselves into Forlas where the walls of the world allow them to.• There are likely other entities like the Voice, since other heroic spirits were summoned to Forlas before, but they have tried to call out to the Astral Plains and received no replies.• The Voice does not understand Shadow, but is scared of it.• Dave is fully cleaned of corruption, according to the Voice.• Literal light is not an effective countermeasure to Shadow. Instead, it is a colloquial term for “highly energised aura in a volatile, self-actualizing state”. ◘ It is the power of the Saints and rare mortals (known as “lord and ladies”) who master their own souls: Radiance. ◘ When the aura of a Forlasan pokémon is sufficiently strong, and they maintain perfect control of it, they can generate enormous energy with atypical properties. ◘ Individuals with the ability to wield Radiance may have unusual appearances, such as displaying luminescence uncharacteristic of their species, and their Radiant attacks are visually distinctive. ◘ All Saints are proficient with Radiance. ◘ One can learn to use Radiance on their own, but it is a rare and exceptional pokémon who can do so without instruction and the passing of energy from an existing user. ○ Even the monks of Obstine Abbey spend a lifetime to master Radiance, and in only a small part. It is a very rare occurrence.• However, the Escarpa Clan revere a former mortal Saint known as the Wandering Light. ◘ She is an experienced master of Radiance, and she may be able to pass this energy to the group if she wished.
- Minty