Heartache RPG

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Ch02: Finale ~ Beneath the Moon's Gaze

2023-11-10 - Bedaurejo Castle Mystery Dungeon - Completed

Following up on Farin's request, a group of offworlders travels to the Bedaurejo Castle mystery dungeon, where they meet with representative of the Vanguard, Gallade Valere. Valere is willing to give them information on the Coven, but first, the party must prove their convictions in battle.

Logged by: JFought

Characters: Mhynt, Kimiko, Gladion, Isidora, Silver, Ridley, Laura

Tags: Valere, Farin, Combat, Finale, Vanguard, Plot

Word count: 18.8k

Public notes

Valere warned the group about the human supremacist group, the Covenant of Light. They learned that:
- They search for humans to recruit to their cause.
- Their goal is to prevent humans from "misusing their power," and to "protect the world" through whatever means they deem appropriate.
- They believe they know how to do so better than native Forlasan 'mon.
- They wield enough influence to reshape society in the image of human civilization.
- Most of their activity is in Landsverd to the east, though it will not stay that way for long.

Isidora revealed she was a pokémon from a world with trainers, implied to be one where humans and pokémon had been separated. She did not elaborate much further.

After the battle, Corey's connection to Forlas was severed, and he returned to his own world.

- JFought