Heartache RPG

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Ch01: Finale] ~ Vs Crowd Control

2023-09-29 - Civic Courtyard - Completed

When Sonora's gang makes their entrance inside the gala, Ignatius's hired security demands that everyone leave the event, even if they're just partying outside; anyone who doesn't is met with force. The group has to rally as quickly as they can to stop the guards from harming innocent civilians.

Logged by: Phoenixsong

Characters: Jade, Kimiko, Nova, Gladion, Arctozolt, Silver, Clover

Tags: Finale, Plot, Combat, Rin, Voice

Word count: 7.3k

Public notes

Phase 1 of the Ch1 Finale boss fight. The group's goal was to knock out the four attacking guards as quickly as they could, then make their way inside to help the rest of the Nexus heroes. They were able to accomplish this, but the security chief, Bisharp Rin, retreated inside to warn Ignatius.

- Phoenixsong