Heartache RPG

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Ch02: The Night Watch

2023-11-04 - Blaguarro Outskirts - Completed

Ridley, Odette, and Kimiko substitute for the missing night watch 'mon in Blaguarro. Hilarity (?) ensues.

Logged by: Seren

Characters: Kimiko, Ridley, Odette

Tags: Sidequest, Plot

Word count: 8.4k

Public notes

The group learns that in addition to the shadow charmeleon, a shadow skorupi exists, and that it does not seem to like light. However, unlike the shadow charmeleon, the skorpui appears to be a wild feral-turned-shadow. Odette collects a leftover barb from one of the skorupi's attacks to study. They also learn that the Voice Cloud can pass along messages to other squads, helping to keep the group connected. They do not know the limits of this communication (distance, for example).

- Seren