Heartache features six basic character classes that allow characters to more flexibly specialize their combat roles. Classes modify base stats to be better suited to their role, add additional move and ability options, and have unique skills known as Feats that help their battle style. Each class then has two specialized subclasses, unlocking even more useful feats and versatile class moves and abilities.

An all-rounder with sharp eyes and swift feet, reliable in any situation.
Stat distribution: Perfectly generalist stats.
Class moves: Agility, Foresight, Odor Sleuth, Quick Attack, U-Turn
Class abilities: Run Away, Technician
Spotter Feat: Once per turn when targeting an enemy, the user may gain Sure Hit. At the end of the turn, they learn 1 Combat Intel about the target.
Subclass: Scout
A mobile, offensive all-rounder. Able to move quickly and probe for weaknesses.
Class moves: Fake Out, Parting Shot, Tidy Up, Work Up
Class abilities: Speed Boost
Scout Feat: The user has a base Mobility of +1 and does not trigger entry hazards or similar traps.
Subclass: Sentry
A tough, resilient all-rounder. Able to control the battlefield and halt enemy advances.
Class moves: Mean Look, Pursuit, Roar, Spikes, Whirlwind
Class abilities: Stakeout
Sentry Feat: The Mobility Cost is +1 for enemies to both enter and exit the user's zone, and enemies cannot deploy hazards there.

A melee fighter, best at physical attacks and close-up combat.
Stat distribution: Excellent Attack, decent Stamina.
Class moves: Bulk Up, Focus Energy, Fury Swipes, Quick Attack, Slash
Class abilities: Defiant, Iron Fist, Strong Jaw, Tough Claws
Brawler Feat: The user gains an additional +1 tempo when they make a physical attack.
Subclass: Champion
A peerless striker, singularly focused on dishing out physical blows.
Class moves: Close Combat, Laser Focus, Storm Throw, Swords Dance
Class abilities: Sheer Force
Champion Feat: After dashing, until the end of their turn, the user's Critical Hits have Sure Hit and remove enemies from cover.
Subclass: Paladin
A tough, versatile warrior, able to adapt to the needs of their team in battle.
Class moves: Dire Claw, Facade, Secret Power, Take Heart
Class abilities: Guts, Stalwart
Paladin Feat: Whenever the user triggers a secondary effect on a physical attack, they gain +2 tempo.

A ranged fighter, best at special attacks at a distance.
Stat distribution: Excellent Magic, decent Stamina.
Class moves: Calm Mind, Echoed Voice, Focus Energy, Round, Swift
Class abilities: Competitive, Keen Eye
Caster Feat: The user gains an additional +1 tempo when they make a special attack.
Subclass: Sharpshooter
A dangerous ranged fighter, landing special attacks with devastating precision.
Class moves: Aura Sphere, Mind Reader, Nasty Plot, Psyshock
Class abilities: Sniper
Sharpshooter Feat: During turns where the user does not dash, they ignore accuracy penalties from range, and can land Critical Hits at range.
Subclass: Mage
A resourceful wielder of arcane powers, adept at both special attacks and battle control.
Class moves: Mystical Fire, Nature Power, Teleport, Tri Attack
Class abilities: Magician, Telepathy
Mage Feat: When the user would trigger a secondary effect on a special attack, they pay 2 tempo less.

Sturdy enough to take a lot of punishment on behalf of the team.
Stat distribution: Excellent bulk, no offense, low Stamina.
Class moves: Body Press, Cosmic Power, Follow Me, Quick Guard, Wide Guard
Class abilities: Battle Armor, Filter
Defender Feat: The user pays 25% less stamina for their first self-targeting or ally field move each turn.
Subclass: Warden
A living fortress who can both hold the line and retaliate when struck.
Class moves: Bide, Light Screen, Metal Burst, Reflect
Class abilities: Intimidate
Warden Feat: Each turn that the user casts a field move, until their next turn, they cannot be displaced, cannot have their defenses lowered, and gain more aggro.
Subclass: Guardian
Protects allies from enemy attacks, improving the team's overall defense.
Class moves: Ally Switch, Amnesia, Iron Defense, Recover
Class abilities: Friend Guard
Guardian Feat: Each turn, the user may pay 8 tempo to guard an ally. The first single-target attack aimed at the ally will instead strike the user, ignoring Evasion.

Rather than fighting directly, provides assistance to their allies.
Stat distribution: Decent bulk, excellent Stamina.
Class moves: Helping Hand, Life Dew, Lucky Chant, Safeguard, Sweet Scent
Class abilities: Power Spot
Support Feat: For one ally-targeting status move per turn, the user may either choose a second target or a target at range for 8 tempo.
Subclass: Healer
A dedicated combat medic, focused on keeping their allies alive, healthy, and in the fight.
Class moves: Aromatherapy, Heal Bell, Heal Pulse, Revival Blessing
Class abilities: Healer, Triage
Healer Feat: The user's self-targeting recovery moves may instead target allies, and their recovery moves ignore Heal Block and Taunt
Subclass: Alchemist
Able to enhance their teammates' strength beyond normal performance.
Class moves: Acupressure, Aromatic Mist, Coaching, Tailwind
Class abilities: Moody, Power of Alchemy
Alchemist Feat: Whenever the user confers a beneficial status on an ally or the squad, the boon timer lasts 1 turn longer.

Interferes with the enemy to ruin their combat performance or make them more vulnerable.
Stat distribution: Modest offense, great Stamina.
Class moves: Embargo, Scary Face, Smokescreen, Taunt, Toxic
Class abilities: Infiltrator, Pickpocket
Rogue Feat: For one enemy-targeting status move per turn, the user may either choose a second target or a target at range for 8 tempo.
Subclass: Saboteur
Able to harass the enemy and turn the tide of a fight with confounding tactics.
Class moves: Fake Tears, Screech, Tearful Look, Toxic Spikes
Class abilities: Prankster
Saboteur Feat: The user's status moves ignore mundane protections such as Safeguard, and their moves' hex timers last 1 turn longer.
Subclass: Assassin
A specialist at exploiting foes' weaknesses and eliminating exposed targets.
Class moves: Hex, Hone Claws, Nature Power, Secret Power
Class abilities: Merciless
Assassin Feat: When the user inflicts a hex timer on an enemy, for the rest of the turn, their Critical Hits against that enemy cost 5 less tempo and have no minimum cost.