Heartache RPG

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Basic info

Kalas Kalas the Spearow

Age: 11 - Pronouns: he/him

Species: Spearow - Original species: Fearow

Participation level: Auxiliary unit - Class: Spotter

Source link: https://www.pokecommunity.com/showthread.php?t=42…

Character profile


Kalas is a male detective Fearow, now retired, in a setting that has both humans and Pokémon. First lived with a Trainer, then moved to a City and became a Pokémon Police officer, he even made Detective, joining various investigations. He took part in stakeouts and busts for some notable cases in his setting.

He is now working on his own tracking down petty criminals and migrant Pokémon in the City. He has an Unofficially Adopted Child Spearow who follows him everywhere and fancies himself Kalas's apprentice, but Kalas just doesn't have the heart to shoo the little bird away.

Most up-to-date, progressing information on him can be found at his official wiki article at https://suoceverse.tropi.us/doku.php/kalas .

RP guidelines

Because of his line of work, Kalas has basically trained himself *out* of staying in groups for long periods of time: he can do small talk and talk about important stuff, but he feels and acts awkward when having to spend time or involve himself deeper into a conversation or a group meeting.

Kalas has a penchant to remain on the side of a group and, where he is allowed into a discussion, to insist that a given subject of conversation is not switched out or dropped until it is "solved" to the satisfaction of the group, etc.

When it comes to fights, Kalas is efficient when moving around and has a well internalized understanding of battle formations; but slow to take initiative, compounded by the restricted Fearow moveset.

Exceptional move

Mean Look - Narratively, it makes sense that a bird with keen eye and and having detective / police experience wouldn't let a target "get lost" too easily; in such terms this is accomplished with stuff like Keen Eye, Pursuit or this move. Mean Look is accessible by Murkrow, and Kalas does have a romantic interest Honchkrow back home (Tiana, seen in "A Case of Winging it") who could have taught him via dedicated and "intimate" sessions (post "A Case..."). Alternatively, he could have learned it by imitation ("tutor"-style, basically) from his coworkers at the force. Plus, IRL condors that Fearow are largely based off on do Look Mean in particular when they decide to flex their T-pose and wingspan. It's unlikely the move would be practical, or even possible, for Kalas to use without him either evolving to Fearow (to develop the awesome wingspan) or going through some Forlas-flavoured Character Development (such as eventually getting a job that does require him to unlock "Look Mean").

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Player info


Venia (forums: VeniaSilente, Discord: veniasilente)



Time zone


Previous RP experience

Have played a few short (week-long) RPs in forums like Serebii or Pokesafari during the very late 2008-2009s. Was active in "We Are All Pokémon Trainers" (TVTropes, 2010—present) from 2011 to around 2015, currently staying there as an operator. Was active in "Rise to the Top" (PokéCommunity, 2022) before the campaign entered hiatus.

RP boundaries

I assume here that M rated material is mostly out? Other than that:

* I assume normal M rating boundaries apply?
* torture, dismemberment or similar events
* taking too much relish or glee in Nature is Not Nice / Pokémon having animal-like behaviours (predation, etc). *Normal* acceptance of nature is fine.
* hypnosis, possession or similar forms of coercion / loss of bodily autonomy ("external" coercion like blackmail is fine)

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