Heartache RPG

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Basic info

Tyr Prince Tyrfing

Age: 18 - Pronouns: He / Him

Species: Honedge - Original species: Human

Participation level: Auxiliary unit - Class: Brawler

Character profile


Tyrfing is broken. A shell of his former self. His blade is chipped and worn, but you can still see the glistening red sheen peeking out from beneath layers of rust. A blighted sword on a blighted alter, that's what he was, what he is now. A ghost of a person. He probably belongs in a museum, not a battlefield.

Yet he was once the Sword of Galar! Prince of the Realm. Flawless in every way. He followed his orders, he did his duty. And his first duty was to the realm. Always to the realm. Weakness is not an option. Failure is not an option. That's what he told himself, over and over.

He gave himself to his duty entirely. Family meant cold formality and high expectations. Friendships were a luxury that duty didn't allow for. His identity was wrapped up in titles and prestige. The Sword of Galar. His very sense of self slowly whittled away until the sword was all that remained.

And now, without warning, the bonds of duty have been shattered. Who will Tyrfing become?

RP guidelines

Tyrfing has the outward appearance of being a malevolent and profane thing. It can be hard to interact with him, as he's quite intimidating and inhuman in his own right, and his expressions are not easy to read. This may inform your first impressions of him!

Exceptional move

Bitter Blade - The Japanese name for the move is "Sword of Regret," which is literally what Tyrfing is. He'll discover it on his own, almost instinctively, driven by his path of boundless sorrow and regret to manifest the move in an act of eldritch violence. When using this move, he wreathes himself in the ghostly flames of his own anger and regret.

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Player info


Wyvern (forums: Wyvern's Sword, Discord: Wyvern Writer)


He / Him

Time zone


Previous RP experience

I have decades of RP experience IRL, and I'm a trained writer too. I'm super confident about actual roleplay. I am relatively new to navigating forums though, so we'll see how I get on with the technical side of things!

RP boundaries


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