Heartache RPG

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Basic info

Clover Clover

Age: 5 - Pronouns: she/ her/ it

Species: Shuppet - Original species: shuppet

Participation level: Primary unit - Class: Rogue

Character profile


Tailor/ professional friend


Clover spawned alone in the eaves of a home where a terminally ill person died. Formed from a soul of a child, she learned that eating the despair of the mourners helped then feel better, and not being raised by other ghosts to learn how to foster resentment and pain, she fed for days until their was no more negative emotions left. She then left, wandering the world and consuming sadness in its various forms, never seen by humans, but learning to help Pokémon as well.

RP guidelines

Clover's main personality is fairly silly and high energy. She's a Manic Pixie Dream Girl when there's no drama going on, but she's very caring when she sees someone sad or depressed.
Clover specializes in dealing with loss and trauma. She will happily gobble up angst and fear, but anger and rage are much harder for her to deal with. She can eat them, but it gives her a tummyache, and she'd rather run away or hide from someone violent.
If she finds someone who is consistently depressed or needing her to consume their emotions, she tries to help them through it instead of becoming dependant on her. She's not perfect at this, any more than a single therapist having the skills and approach that helps everybody.

Exceptional move

Curse - As a last ditch effort when being attacked, Clover can dig into a well of hurt and pain and inflict that on her attacker. It makes them feel and consider the pain they're inflicting on others, but it also hurts Clover when she does this. (Or, for the meme answer, EMOTIONAL DAMAGE!)

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Player info


neirdae (forums: Neirdae, Discord: neirdae)


he/ him

Time zone


Previous RP experience

I've done a few TTRPGS, as well as a small text pokemon did campaign.

RP boundaries

My timezone is accurate, but I work nightshift, so my online times are pretty weird. Most active between 12am and 10 am my time.
I don't think I have anything off limits, other than erotic RP, which isn't happening here anyways

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