Heartache RPG

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Basic info

Ridley Ridley Blackwood

Age: 25 - Pronouns: he/him

Species: Mimikyu - Original species: human

Participation level: Primary unit - Class: Saboteur

Character profile


freelance errand-runner


When Ridley was a kid and his parents were going through an extraordinarily messy divorce he met a pokemon professor specialising in Inexplicable Phenomena who, in standard pokemon professor fashion, went "hey kid wanna be an unpaid intern?" and thus began a beautiful friendship. After Ridley grew up and got an education etc he went back to work for the professor doing pretty much the exact same thing except now he gets paid for it. He's basically a paranormal investigator in a world where the supernatural is objectively real and you can do Science to it.
He thinks missingno is a real pokemon and vlogs about his quest to catch one on Pokemon Youtube please like&subscribe to his channel for more content.
He's from Ballonlea in Galar.

RP guidelines

given the nature of What A Mimikyu Is, ridley's physical responses (facial expressions, body language, etc) aren't visible; basically your character probably will not be able to perceive his mental or emotional state unless either he goes out of his way to broadcast it or they have some kinda psychic empath ability

Exceptional move

Disarming Voice - He's a mimikyu in cleffa disguise; given the sort of person he is and the way he likes to present himself, I think it's thematically interesting for him to borrow from the moveset of the pokemon he's disguised as.

View scenes - View combat info

Player info


Hap (forums: Hap, Discord: bluering8)



Time zone


Previous RP experience

I've played a handful of TTRPG games with the GM before. Other than that I have no idea what the fuck I am doing.

RP boundaries

no boundaries. go4it

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