Heartache RPG

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Basic info

Kimiko Kimiko Tomori

Age: 23ish - Pronouns: She/Her

Species: Servine - Original species: Human

Participation level: Primary unit - Class: Sharpshooter

Source link: https://forums.thousandroads.net/index.php?thread…

Character profile


Currently: Singer/performer at Sun Stone Saloon


On the surface, Kimiko is your average traveling trainer (age aside), hoping to compete in her home region's pokemon league, alongside her boyfriend, who she travels with. She had gathered all 8 league badges as of her transfer to HA, so she's no pushover. Kimiko herself is (was) cool, calm, and collected, but she sometimes struggles to believe in her own abilities despite her achievement, for various reasons.

Beneath the surface, competing is her secondary reason for traveling. Her main objective is searching for clues regarding the disappearance and apparent murder of her father. Along the way, she gets tangled up in a growing ghost-worshipping cult and their human extinction plot, eventually discovering she has a personal connection to one of them.

Besides training, Kimiko enjoys music. It's had a huge influence on her life and has helped her get through some difficult times. She had a band with her boyfriend and some others before traveling; usually she preferred doing vocals, but she's no stranger to a good electric guitar either.

After her training career, she hopes to be a performer of some kind, whether it's as a singer or an actress. Other interests include swimming, dancing, softball, reading, and just hanging out with friends.

RP guidelines

-Kimiko is uncomfortable around ghosts, due to the lingering cult problem in her home region, and will try to find any excuse to not be in their presence. She's generally accepted the ghosts among the Wayfarers, but is still wary of most others and she will not react well should one approach her, especially unannounced.

-She's generally rather reserved and keeps to herself unless she has reason to speak up (which she has no issue doing if necessary; if you piss her off, you WILL hear about it), although she has been trying to be more approachable in general. Topics of interest can be found in the background segment above.

-Otherwise, she can be a bit of a 'mom friend'. She's usually the one hanging in the back of the group to make sure no one gets left behind or separated, etc. She's willing to listen if you need an ear or a shoulder. Just make sure to let her know whether you want advice or just a place to vent.

Exceptional move

Sing - She's a talented musician back home, both as a vocalist and with a guitar, but she's more commonly the lead singer. Music's also a large, important part of her life in general.

Hidden Power: Flourishing Soul

May only be used in Grassy Terrain. Inflicts a spectral Leech Seed that damages the target for 10% max HP per checkup and gives the healing status to a nearby ally for 10%. The seeded enemy cannot benefit from Grassy Terrain.

Kimiko has a history of looking after those around her (her pokemon team, her little sister, even the Wayfarers in early HA, etc), making sure everyone is safe and accounted for. As such, she wants everyone to leave the battlefield safe and unharmed. Using the grassy terrain as a conduit, she funnels energy from her target to her allies.

View scenes - View combat info

Player info


Seren (forums: Shadow Serenity, Discord: shadowserenity57)



Time zone


Previous RP experience

1. Minor FNAF self-insert in a one-night-only campaign
2. Various Forum events and games, such as mafia and ASB (both as a participant and as a referee)
3. Thousand Roads' Adventure Quest

RP boundaries

I am fine with almost anything, generally. However, we are not good at "small talk", so I'd be more comfortable if a scene has a purpose to it.

Since people are stating their preferences... while I genuinely think it would be fun to explore, Kimiko is in a loving relationship back home, so any attempts at that form of communication will be politely declined. (An exception may be made for Odette. /j)

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